شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


المواضيع الأخيرة

» علاج لإخراج الديدان من المعدة.
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime9/13/2019, 11:30 من طرف Sanae

» المهندسين خ
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime7/1/2015, 04:18 من طرف زائر

» المهندسين خ
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime7/1/2015, 04:13 من طرف زائر

» تليفونات برنامج صبايا الخير بقناة النهار
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime6/27/2015, 09:30 من طرف زائر

»  طلب مساعده عاجل
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime6/21/2015, 14:28 من طرف fatim fatima

» اغاثه
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 10:03 من طرف زائر

» موضوع مهم جدا وأرجو ألا تغفلوا عنه وأرجو ابتواصل
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 09:59 من طرف زائر

» موضوع مهم جدا وأرجو ألا تغفلوا عنه وأرجو ابتواصل
العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 09:56 من طرف زائر

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[ مُعاينة اللائحة بأكملها ]

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 500 بتاريخ 9/22/2024, 05:26


    العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.  Empty العمل الصالح من أسباب اكتساب النور في الآخرة Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 5/6/2012, 22:51

    Good work of the reasons for the acquisition of light in the Hereafter.

    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

    In the name of God the Merciful
    Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah

    Praise be to God for everything, and we seek refuge with Allah from the case of the people of Hell, and we seek refuge with Allah from the morning to the fire, and the night of the fire, or fire, or an hour in the fire, or a moment in the fire; the our body is not strong enough on the fire, and our conditions do not bear the darkness fire or darkness of the grave, Look how narrowed ethics, and how disrupted Jawarhana when extinguished us (electricity) for a single moment, we know for sure that they will return; because the phenomenon Alantfaat a natural phenomenon in every occasion, and also sure that if he did not return (electricity) we have the means and alternatives many by which we can see that and take advantage of our lives.

    But, do you think those who placed in the grave and the darkness of the content on each side and does not know where to come to him as light?
    Because the light of the graves but acquires the behavior of a person in this world, it was in this world to the light of God enabled him to live in the grave to light, he says: It is God did not make him a light for him there is light [Nur: 40] ..
    And the Almighty said:
    Day see the believing men and women seeking Norm between their hands and their faith Bashrakm today [Fe: 12] because they are believers and people of faith, and religion, and commitment, and affiliation, and guidance, and regularity in the wire-believers, he says: day see the believers, men and women seeking Norm between their hands and their faith [Iron: 12 [What is the light which seeks with them?

    It is light good work, faith and guidance seeks to them and their faith, says to them the angels: Bashrakm today Gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein that is to win great * day when the hypocrites [iron :12-13], ie, the people of darkness, who have lived in this world in the darkness of disbelief , and hypocrisy, and whims, and desires, and temptations, lived away from the guidance and away from the messages, Fashoa with the devil in Zlmath; because Allah the Almighty says: God is those who believe them out of darkness into light [The Cow: 257] he united the light and collect the darkness, in the first Al cattle Lord Almighty says: Praise be to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and made darkness and light, and those who disbelieve in their Lord adjust [cattle: 1] Vazlmat multiple, light, and one, the light of God, and the light of faith and live by a single insurer.

    If deprived himself of the light; you will not live in the darkness of one, but coming in by the darkness and the content of each side: out if his hand was barely see [Nur: 40] as like God Almighty that the ideals in Al-Nur said, and those who disbelieve, their mirage Bakaah calculated by thirsty water even if he received did not find nothing and found Allah is The death of his account and God is swift at reckoning * or Kzlmat [Nur :39 -40], ie, their actions can either be a mirage of working poor that they think that the benefit in their minds, but what was not purely God Almighty gave to God did not find anything: even if he received did not find anything and found God has [Nur: 39] A business bad other than disbelief, he said: or Kzlmat [Nur: 40], ie, this work is either a mirage or: Kzlmat or Kzlmat in Sea Ji [Nur: 40] and both surprised and delighted: the deep sea, and large ocean depths of more than three thousand meters.
    This scientific fact that talked about the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in the Koran did not prove to the people but in this time after making submarines Atomic that can sink into the depths of the ocean, discovered by devices that monitored the movement of waves that in the deep ocean waves, not MOUGINS one . It was the people think that there is no wave in the sea, but which on the surface of the sea, which is formed as a result influenced by the sea surface and weather factors.
    But he discovered that in the depths of the ocean waves what was known before this time, and who talked about the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him inspired by the Lord Almighty, although he did not ride the sea, and did not know the sea of ​​God and prayers be upon him, but he is talking about more specific laws and more accurate systems taking place in the seas great as if he had experienced and prayers of Allah and peace be upon him: or Kzlmat in the Sea of ​​Ji [Nur: 40] means: deep, that appears in waves [Nur: 40], ie, this sea that appears in waves topped by waves [Nur: 40] and these waves be barriers to break through the lights: it clouds of [Nur: 40] converts between the sun and the sea: from the darkness of clouds above it on each other out if his hand was barely seen, and God did not make him a light for him there is light [Nur: 40].

    Whoever wants to light in this world and the Hereafter, he faith and good deeds, and lived in the light of material, and the darkness of moral and spiritual infidel, God forbid; it but enjoy the light material will be grief - God forbid - the darkness of the heart and face in this world, then the darkness of the grave, then darkness path , then in the house of God and darkness Ojarna Beware of them and all our faithful to that, all things

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 9/22/2024, 06:24