شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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    Jew hides his fast

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    Jew hides his fast Empty Jew hides his fast

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 10/20/2012, 21:40

    Jew hides his fast


    Islam Story

    Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 12:47


    "Hello, my name is Moses, and I am 15 years old, newly converted to Islam, thank God, I am now on the verge of the first Ramadan."

    This is the "Moses Kaplan" I'm fifteen, and Jewish, who left after that guided him to Islam, but none of his family members or friends in the school does not know become Muslim, others we readers of his memoirs those published on the Web .. Not tell this to anyone.

    After that we knew himself, let him to tell his feelings which receives the first Ramadan in his life after leaving the Jewish and converted to Islam: "I have mixed feelings between excitement and fear; problem for me is not the fast itself, but in how to hide it from my family and my friends, I did not tell my parents after Batnaqa of Islam, and despite the strong desire to tell them, and very proud and happy I am am thrilled to be a Muslim, but that it seemed impossible for me; has approached many times to tell them the truth, but each time it was my tongue can not talk. "

    I still go to a Jewish school, and certainly will not be Ramadan an easy task for me, there are many Jewish holidays will accompany the month of Ramadan, which requires that eat through before sunset, the best my plans is to pretend illness, but for now Fajtta to wake up every day before dawn to eat Suhoor meal, then pray waxing, my family Saguena, God willing, am I Sakel later.

    It's a problem you may not feel them many, and they think that the era of "concealment of Islam" is gone, and hide Islam was days "Quraish" only, but Ibtihal "Moses" asserts the opposite, "I pray to God to help me in time of need, and ask God to forgive me if I had to fast in Ramadaan, because he knows my intention and emergency landing, and ask him to strengthen my faith and all the Muslims. "

    Tribulations and grants

    Ramadan first for Moses was representing many challenges, but those challenges did not prevent him from also be a source for "inspiration, and an increase of faith", "before an Islamic when you hear about fasting Muslims for 30 days without interruption, and performance 5 prayers every day and night on less estimate, you would think that this is absurd, of course I respected their decision Profile, but I did not imagine myself one day and I worship God in that way, it was as much as I do is that I will perform prayers before going to sleep in front of my bed, and go to school, Jewish, but when I knew that the Koran is the word of God, and that Muhammad, peace be upon him is our ideal, I realized then that I should do these two things, which you Ostgrabhma, prayer and fasting. "

    Now began the fasting month, I woke up before dawn, I do not know will this be enough time for suhoor and prayer, I was not sure of my ability to complete my first fasting, ate only a piece of apple, but I felt remorse gripped my body because I had eaten after Fajr, I asked God to forgive me, and that gives me strength to fast, and I think I am going to spend the day after the end of Ramadan. "

    That was the first obstacle in the way of "Moses" in Ramadan, but they were not the last, Vosilh his colleagues were always surrounded: "When will eat? Did not drink?" And intensified ordeal "when the time comes for celebrating one of Birthdays Jews and that fast where from sunset until sundown the next day, and then was forced to breakfast time. When affected Multi Ramadan - was my fault, of course - Re seriously saying that upset when he hears about Ramadan and "Mohammed" in the news, but I answered him: "It's good that people know the facts about Islam rather than the things that Ajtziha media around them, but seriously - and habit seniors always - Re immediately words prejudiced against Islam, which made my anger is growing, but I go out only, and did not exceed the situation only worse. "

    And completes the "Moses" described the challenges faced in the early days which stifles his faith in Ramadan says: "In an attempt to tell my parents that I organism think independently, I told them I decided not to fast on Eid Jews next, and answered my mother: but you must do, and echoed saying: I have a freedom of choice, and she told me: Do not you want to ask God to forgive your sins? I answered her: I can do so at any time of the year, not this day, exactly? Thus continued sparring between us for a period of 5 minutes, I had finished, then to my room to by myself for a while, The evaporation of all hope for me in my father's news Bthola of Islam. "

    But the feeling of faith had started to be able to heart when he said: "It's fantastic to comply 100% to your Creator, and I called then to bless God with my brothers and sisters in Islam a great month, and to guide non-Muslims to the right, Amen."

    Modern era of "Moses" Islam did not prevent him to submit each episode of his memories about Ramadan statements may not estimated on saying many who were born to Muslim parents, it is strange to find this small close Testament this religion speaks to us we such words: "Peace be upon you and God's mercy, I ask God to give you rest in peace in this month, and I ask Him, the great Latif, to guide those who did not see through right after, Amen. "

    Preacher small

    And indicates "Moses" to the rest of Ramadan passed in better shape from the beginning, bringing fast and pray to God consistency, but in subtle, as he took in reading the Koran, "which advised me strongly, thankfully, I found a place teaches the Koran, intend to enrolled Next year, without the knowledge of my parents, who tried them again, it is not easy for me to hide a secret fills my feelings "in reference to that he tried to attract the heart of his father to Islam, Fjolh watched episode illustrated Sheikh" Hamza Yusuf Hanson, "which is considered one of the greatest preachers Muslims, after turning from Orthodox Christianity to Islam - in America and the Western world in general has a noticeable and quite popular in the United States - that experience tells outcome Moses says: "Praise be to God, I loved my father so much," and was a step on the road.

    Also used "Joseph" jobs one of his cousins ​​in search of the Prophet Mohammed, at the school, says: "offered him assistance, and prayed to God to find my neighbor right in Islam through this research, it is open too, has taught him things about Islam, God, guide my family and friends to find the right in Islam. "

    Ten days

    Completes the "Moses" memoirs about ten days of Ramadan says: "Peace be upon you my brothers and sisters in Islam, this month passes quickly, ask Allah to accept our prayer and fasting, and enjoy the Muslims wholes in this great month, we on the threshold of the last ten days of Ramadan, I wake up every day in the third before dawn to do, It's a majestic feeling, has prayed to God today as I did yesterday to bless me with the company of Muslims in the community, which includes few of them. "

    Invite sent "Moses" in the middle of the night, did not wait so long that achieved, Moses says: "I have noticed for the first time that God has answered propaganda, while I was in the library yesterday, looking for books about the Prophet Muhammad to buy, I saw a Muslim family, two women and three men , I thought to go to talk to them, but shyness prevented me, and when they went regretted much that I did not Oklmanm, I felt like I have to go out from the library underwent inflicted them before they go their car, but I decided not to do, thinking of me that just happened transient and that no answer propaganda.

    Soon something happened last more bizarre, when you enter a store and I prayed to God in secret (God bless me Muslim speech here can help me), I saw then a man I thought a Muslim, but I discovered shortly after that it was not a Muslim, continued hope never ceased, but passed 15 or 20 minutes and made no progress in finding a Muslim, so I decided to search for my mother at the store and then leave, and while I was looking for, I asked God for a second that brings me to a Muslim.

    Here miracle happened, God answered his prayer, "there before my eyes, I found a man beard and Ze've never seen before in the city, with young girls in headscarves, maybe they were in the eighth, and although the shame I felt a second, but I did not broadcast only made them and said: Peace you, I looked at the girl, tumbled by shame, and regret and I felt my eyes Tmlahma tears, for the second time wasted opportunity God gave me, and I asked God to forgive me Tadhaiei to give me, and I asked him to bless me more, it Ghafoor Knowing, as I left riding a bike in the hope of meet A Muslim seconds during the walk. "

    Test my faith

    Over the praise of God Ramadani first very quickly, and Here feast, I was looking for a way miss out on school to go early to the mosque for the first time, I was looking forward to it strongly, but I failed, so I decided the night before Eid to tell my parents Basalama, I asked them to go out for lunch, and escorted me some words that talk about Islam, so hyper my surprise passed things okay, Vokhbernhma life of the Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him, I felt then that it was time to reveal the truth about Islamic my father, and before that told them, infiltration fear again to my mind, and I could not output words out of my mouth, and once again failed in the face of my father. "

    I felt that my life is a big lie, no one knows the truth is people who ألتقيهم on the Internet, and they are even not from the cities, I was like telling the world Basalama, and I wished I could someday attend Friday prayers at the mosque, and brought lessons on Islam in schools Islamic, God willing, maybe I can come on when fasting and prayer in public instead of disappearing behind closed doors, I wish I could one day to tell my parents, instead of the fear that I have a lot. "

    Fruits amid the thorns

    Despite all these difficulties in his life, he found "Moses" fruit amid thorns, and grants amid adversity, he says: "At least now gained experience about what should I do next Ramadan, and will fix, God willing, everything spoiled this year, and despite the fact that Ramadan this year has been a difficult experience for me, but I honestly feel that it was a test of my faith, and thank God, I feel like I have passed this exam. "

    Words of Moses recent was: "I hope you have lived رمضانا and holiday good, and Sadzena God all on what we have done, please let your to God throughout the year, and I ask you to let my family be guided, gotta big dreams that recognizes my family in the future, God willing, in the coming years will decide they also fasting month of Ramadan. "

    Source: Islam Today

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 11/22/2024, 02:01