شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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» تليفونات برنامج صبايا الخير بقناة النهار
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» موضوع مهم جدا وأرجو ألا تغفلوا عنه وأرجو ابتواصل
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» موضوع مهم جدا وأرجو ألا تغفلوا عنه وأرجو ابتواصل
The user who likes to visit Egypt I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 09:56 من طرف زائر

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    The user who likes to visit Egypt

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    The user who likes to visit Egypt Empty The user who likes to visit Egypt

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 5/17/2011, 14:31

    The Complete Guide and comprehensive definition .. Those who wanted to visit Egypt .. ?

    City Stars Mall

    The largest mall in the Middle East, which is not only the Mall .. But complex Snimat + hotel + mall
    Created cost 4 billion pounds
    Underground garage to find it .. Which is composed of three levels and can accommodate more than 4300 car
    The above ground is composed of 5 floors .. 3 of them for shopping, and 2 others to entertain
    Floors dedicated to the recreational services covering: Cinema Complex contains 16 display - Garden Family - Bowling Center - an arena for dining - rooms Billiards - Internet Cafe - specialty restaurants - a world-class exhibitions
    This mall also includes Continental Hotel
    For your information .. All this within only the first phase .. And the rest of the other stages had not been completed
    Guests arrive at the mall today to 40 thousand visitors from different nationalities

    Genant Mall

    Genant Mall is located in Nasr City ..
    The No. 2 mall in Egypt in terms of beauty and size (after the City Stars of course)
    Contains 6 Snimat + arena for Skiing or Skating + more than 300 stores + air-conditioned theme park
    It also has the sweet shop Tisybas .. Is dedicated to Egyptian sweets .. This shop is owned by the owner of the mall, and has 4 branches in Cairo
    Location No. 21: Sound and Light Show: It is a view that is displayed for tourists in front of pyramids
    Occurs at night when covering black all over the place .. Begins to shed a laser beam on the pyramids and the Sphinx, and then describe each pyramid separately in all languages ​​.. When you are talking about the Great Pyramid is shed by the laser alone
    Every language has a specific day .. For example, on Monday, are explanations in English, French and Spanish
    On Tuesday, in English, French and Italian
    The Arab Vtkon on Thursday .. And with it the same day the Japanese language and English
    Supply lasts for an hour completely ..

    Khan al-Khalili:

    Is the most famous Muslim neighborhoods of old, which is a massive commercial complex by about 1000 replaced the factory, most of the shops which sell pieces of art hand-made of glass, copper, silver, wood, leather and precious stones such as agate, coral, and you wander in this place you will find Nevsm trapped odors of mint and herbs and incense
    You will find there are many industries such as wood carving, and works hand arabesques, and the vaccination of wood with mother of pearl, and the inscription on the copper and silver, and drawing on papyrus and stained glass, jewelry making, contracts, and Ivory
    This is the place established by the Prince owned Jarks Khalili in 1382, which means about 600 years ago
    Therefore he was named Khan al-Khalili .. Where the word (Khan) is a Turkish word meaning a place or street .. It was formerly named Saffron soil
    Although the place has existed for 6 centuries but it still retains its youth and renew itself year after year, so that it now displays the latest products from the world of modern fashion, in addition to the Middle fragrant smells in the place which
    There is a cafe in the Khan Al Khalili of the oldest cafe Fishawy to meet him .. It has existed for 240 years, but the cafe Fishawy months for being the confluence of writers and poets

    Wall stream Eyes:

    Is one of the most important features of Islamic Cairo .. Built by Sultan Al-Ghouri 800 years ago
    The objective of the construction is to extend Citadel of Salah al-Din water by raising the waters of the Nile Balsoaki fence to stream, so that the water running up to the castle, because the castle was the seat of power in Egypt since the Ayyubid period .. Headquarters was moved then to Abdeen Palace
    The course of the eye wall has suffered from neglect for several years long after the jobs, for his task, in these days of water up to the castle without him, but now being to develop the advice of the fence and return to his former beauty and
    Of course, this place does not need a private visit to him .. But you can see if I visited the Citadel of Salah al-Din

    Citadel of Salah al-Din:

    They are of the most luxurious castles constructed hostilities in the Middle Ages, and the first thought is to build Sultan al-Nasir Salah al-Din 1176

    And the official site of the castle .. By the historical information and a description of the many features of the castle: http://www.birzeit.edu/alumni/alum?action=none You can visit /
    Castle is surrounded with a number of ancient mosques of the old days of the Fatimid state .. Such as the Mosque of Ibn Tulun .. Mosque of Sultan Hassan, who was an Islamic university integrated .. And the Mosque of Al Rifai .. Each one of these mosques is worth a visit

    Museum of Egyptian Civilization:

    Was created in the reign of King Farouk, and contains models, photographs, manuscripts and paintings and works of art and the effects of the Stone Age and the Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Coptic and Islamic
    This represents the museum features Egyptian life since the dawn of history
    And now being restored and developed .. Will be held in front of an amusement park on the lake that it overlooks
    Entrance fee = 3 pounds

    Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas:

    It is the first mosque in Egypt, Africa, and the fourth mosque in Islam
    Built by Amr Ibn al-may Allah be pleased with him when he conquered Egypt, which is next to the Roman Church ..
    Supervised the construction of four companions .. And identified 80 Sahabia kiss .. God bless them
    Mosque wonderful in its design .. Resemble the design too close to the mosque, and has expanded several times, and the last expansion was in the era of President Hosni Mubarak 4 years ago
    There in the middle (fountain), or a special place to drink cold water (on the old Ottoman style)
    Every year 750 thousand in which to pray in Ramadan prayer behind Sheikh Mohammed Jibril, and is now visited by two young people in very good voice, reach us at Ramadan, and find a lot of Filipinos who are studying at Al-Azhar mosque there in this during Taraweeh
    Is found in Ancient Egypt .. You can visit by riding the MRT station and Almzul George

    Egyptian Museum:

    Egyptian Museum is the oldest museum in the world is designed as a museum, in the sense that there are older but it was determined that the villa or the library example, and then after years of turning to the Museum .. But the Egyptian Museum is the first museum was designed as a museum
    And the advantage of being the only museum in the world, which includes people's culture and only one .. It contains more than 160 thousand pieces .. In addition to the mummies
    The museum consists of two main floors .. Displays in the basement of the significant impacts where there are arranged historically, while the upper floor which is the best in my opinion it shows groups of small statues, manuscripts and royal mummies, coffins, wood, jewelry, and a full range of a single tomb such as the effects of Tutankhamun and the effects of Valley of the Kings and other
    The official website of the Egyptian Museum: You can visit /
    There is the museum in Tahrir Square .. And do not forget that you have a photo ID to enter .. Such as a passport, for example

    Coptic Museum:

    Something normal that you are visiting just to see all ..
    Especially that of Christian art is the link between Roman art and Islamic art
    This museum is located inside the famous fortress of Babylon, in ancient Egypt
    We said previously that the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas in Ancient Egypt .. And next to the Roman Church
    Museum in the same area
    The museum was founded by Mark thick Pasha in 1910 in the reign of Sultan Hussein, and the museum information in three languages ​​.. Arabic, English and French
    The number of holdings in the Coptic Museum Olfmguetny about 16, are arranged in chronological order
    The Coptic Museum was a follower of Btrerkipalqubtip until 1931 and then became affiliated to the Ministry of Culture
    Entrance fee = 16 pounds
    And the dates of entry from 9 am to 5 pm
    Note: I wonder from the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas whenever I went to him, and how Oncisdna Amr ibn al-Aas chose this particular place .. Next to the Roman Church, which is Mnokdm and the largest churches in Egypt
    I think that the reason for his choice of this place is proof of Baon Islam is a religion allows freedom of religion, but it was easy to demolish the church and its place Binaalmsadjad
    Imam Shafi'i was cast in this mosque lessons when he was in Egypt

    Al-Azhar Mosque:

    Most visitors here visited Hussein did not visit Al-Azhar mosque ..
    Gaamaalozahr is the first architectural work established by the Fatimids in Egypt .. Built by the essence of Sicilian year after open Fatimid Egypt in 970 AD, was the first prayer on 7 Ramadan 361 AH - 972 AD
    He did not know since its inception Al-Azhar Mosque, but was named Jaamaalqahrp
    Had a prominent role in resisting the French occupation .. And encourage Aljmaherelloukov in the face of the occupation

    Reserves Dzrnehralnil:

    Of course, the first time you hear this name ..
    There are islands in the Nile .. Fayalqahrp not only .. But in Luxor, Aswan and all the cities that experienced by the Nile, and has 144 islands Addhzh Island
    Enter the islands for free .. And you'll find the rare birds and animals and trees
    Varying sizes of the islands .. But most is near Luxor, where a capacity Hungarian Nile ..
    Sheraton Hotel and the island is located in Cairo .. So named because it is based on the islands of the Nile

    : Crazy Water
    Crazy Water:

    A water park .. Such as the Aqua Park
    But crazy
    Location: central hub - by 6 October - the entrance to Sheikh Zayed

    Pharaonic Village

    When you enter the village you think you went back thousands of years .. Society is that you live in.
    From the moment you start a boat tour through the canal that runs through the village you find yourself completely immersed in Pharaonic Egypt, wherever your gaze directed will receive more and more of the scenes and the echoes of ancient Egypt .. So you're satisfied in the end you really have traveled back through time to a remote and wonderful
    I started this dream village .. Dr. Hassan Ragab Imagine the potential of establishing a living museum with people dressed in natural meanings what had existed since the seven thousand years
    That was in 1974
    Began Dr. planted 5000 trees of trees that were characterized by Egypt of the Pharaohs .. Then brought the seeds of bulrush .. As well as the birds were almost extinct from the world .. All of this is close to the image of life in Pharaonic Egypt thousands of years ago
    And slowly began to dream come true .. Until it became the Pharaonic Village is open for visits since 1984, introduced by some additions and amendments in 1992
    Wander far in the Pharaonic Village Vtjd Group manufactures ships the same way as the Pharaohs .. And others Ihnton dead .. And others make ceramic .. And others make honey .. Etc.
    There is also the Yacht Nefertari, who is traveling in the Nile .. You can lunch on his back ..
    There is also inside the parks great for kids .. And shops to buy souvenirs .. And restaurants .. And the Museum of Islamic .. Papyrus Museum
    These 5 pictures of the Pharaonic Village from the inside .. And her grandmother after the trouble in the jungles of the Internet .. Wait to load all images
    I forgot to mention the title of the Pharaonic Village ..
    There are: 3 Great Sea Street - Giza

    Library and National Archives of:

    The idea for this house back to the Minister of Education Ali Pasha Mubarak (it was called the warden of knowledge) and that in the era of Khedive Ismail in 1870, has been replaced, and change the building to the existing building in the following image in 1960
    In order to: compilation of precious manuscripts, which remanded the sultans and princes, scholars and authors on mosques, shrines and institutes of science
    And was then called: Ketboukhanp (consisting of two sections: books + box)
    Htoi this house now on what Lloyd 57 A rare manuscript from all over the world, in addition to 3 of thousands of papyrus paper dating back to 78 m, also features a house on a set of Arabic coins back to the oldest year 77 AH

    : Markets

    1 Grand Mall. Appendix 2 Nile, Ramses Heliton. 3 Tiba Mall and Al Yamamah Mall, Arcadia Mall and the World Trade Center and Mrkzabustan Mall and Akkad Mall and the Liberty Mall, Talaat Harb Mall, Serag Mall and market era of the PC Mall and Mall of the Prince and Onederland Mall, First Mall CompuMe in Roxy, engineers and so on. '

    And theme parks such as:

    Dreamland 1 and 2 and 3 Sinbad Land Cairo Pharaonic Village, 4 and 5, Saladin's Citadel, Cairo Tower, 6, 7, Freedom Park on the island suffered ..... Ahv: 1 Egyptian Museum. 2 Museum of Umm Kulthum Museum of Vehicles 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fairgrounds island museum education 0.6 Mukhtar Museum. 7 Coptic Museum. 8 Museum of the Revolution Command Council Qasr Al-Aini Museum 0.9 ..

    Months and the most beautiful ship in the Nile fixed .. Nile City is
    It is of course a fixed length of the day in the Nile ..
    6 restaurants inside different
    One name (ring thickness), which provides fish and shrimp and Calamari, fish on the way, Spanish, Italian and Egyptian .. Etc.
    You can eat a meal inside the restaurant or ask them to eat outside the restaurant to see clearly the Nile .. To feel like you're inside a ship
    This restaurant and eat a very beautiful ..

    Hotels months:

    Sofitel Maadi:

    On the Corniche in Maadi - its beautiful and sophisticated place
    Of 5 Stars
    A little distance from the center of the country .. But in a wonderful place

    Sofitel Sphinx:

    Exist in the first through the Cairo-Alexandria Desert
    5 stars also

    Pyramisa Hotel:
    Located in Giza - specifically 60 Giza Street
    Of 5 Stars

    Concorde El Salam:
    In Heliopolis

    House Alooberaalmbarp

    Cairo Opera House, located in Zamalek .. In the area of ​​the island, which is one of the most important cultural beacon in Egypt, was established in 1988, was built instead of the old Opera House which burned in 1971, and who lived for 102 year
    This includes the huge edifice of cultural scene includes a large chair in 1200, in addition to a small theater for presentations at cultural seasons and includes 500 seats, has been taken into account in the design and existence of curves in the walls for the distribution of sound
    Dream City Park is one of the strongest entertainment city in the Middle East .. Accompanied by Egyptian businessman Dr. Ahmed Bahgat
    Sponsor in its design to be suitable for all classes and ages and tastes
    Dream Park is in the 6th of October City .. ..
    And its location: You can trust his /
    By the dates and games .. Etc.

    Military Museum

    This museum was built by a decision of Mohammed Ali Pasha in 1826
    Was moved from its original location for a number of other places .. To be settled in a place that has the now .. Palace, a campus located in the Castle
    This museum, home to the family of Muhammad Ali .. After the English occupation of Egypt became the headquarters of the military ruler of England .. Then forces a hospital to English
    Reclaimed and Egypt during the reign of King Farouk and became under the management of the Ministry of Defence .. Was converted into a museum .. It contains the history of the Egyptian army since the Pharaohs


    Which is found in a street in Zamalek Aljblaip, so some have called on the name of this garden: Garden Aljblaip
    In these caverns and corridors of the park where visitors go and put the glass boxes still contain a variety of fish and rare indigo, navy and ornamental fish, which are reflected by the sun through the upper openings, and in dark places highlighted electric in the art scene more beautiful

    Abdel Halim Hafez lived it .. It can be seen from the balcony of his house like other houses in this place

    Garden design fish-like, it is composed of two holes Chbhan slots behind the gills and the concourse area, and on both sides of the slots are Zaanaftan side view corridors behind the park

    The park now has 49 fish aquarium, as the panorama to view the stuffed fish, as a visitor sees an explanation of how the mutation of three-dimensional fish and take a special form to help them permanent living in the water, also contains ponds on the types of turtles that live in swamps and rivers

    And you'll find in the front garden contains a large pool of many predatory fish, and species that raise curiosity of visitors fish, pork and shark

    Outside the park there are fish corridors between green areas prefer to enjoy their families, and children play the place, also includes a garden of rare trees, Madagascar, Australia and Thailand

    October War Panorama:

    There are in the way of Salah Salem ..
    It is a beautiful building .. Cylindrical shape .. Islamic-style
    Were created after the October war directly .. The war is displayed in a manner interesting and simplified


    One of the three oldest parks in the world, was established in 1890, is located in Giza .. Near the University of Cairo, almost, a very large garden area of ​​80 acres!! And by 1200 of the various animals and birds, supervised by 100 Dr. veterinarian and more than 1000 workers
    In this garden is the oldest tortoise in the world, 300-year-old .. As well as by a number of rare animals .. Australian and live like ostriches, crocodiles, Indian indigo large Indian elephant, and a two-humped camel
    As you will see the American Eagle at the age of 125 years, and say that this eagle was a gift from the U.S. president for one of the rulers of Egypt 110 years ago, I mean before the opening of the park, and the eagle in his youth days .. He could carry a child and a large distance flight, but now you will see the signs of aging upon
    In the center of the garden there are the rest of ownership .. A great break when Sadat was meeting with some bosses
    When you enter from any gate to the gates of the park .. You'll find a map of the place .. It is better to buy in order to visit the garden in full and know all the places, the map is sold only half pounds

    Museum of Ahmed Shawki:

    We said that behind the zoo ..

    Means you can in one day visit the pyramids and then the zoo and then Ahmed Shawky Museum .. Because they are all in Giza, a short distance between them

    As for the Museum of Its substantially prime: you can trust as well as his /

    Garden Amartiland:

    In Egypt there are new .. It is very suitable for children
    Offers by many .. Such as display of fish and aquaculture, the pet, the white whale, the dolphins
    And inside the park like any other theme park

    Abdeen Palace:

    A wonderful sense of the word ..
    This was the palace is the seat of government ownership days, and was built by order of Khedive Ismail
    He is now considered a complex of museums .. Means includes a number of museums inside .. Including:
    Silverware Museum - Museum of the Royal Collection - Museum of Weapons - Museum of medals - Museum of Gifts President Mubarak - Museum of the crystal .. Etc., and you will see wonderful things in it too

    International Park:

    It is a very large garden .. Internationalization named because each state is part of the park .. Months, so has the trees and highlighted what makes it unique .. You'll find a special section of the UAE .. And another girl .. Bahrain .. And another for Japan .. And all Arab or foreign countries
    Which is located in Nasr City, you can visit the same day you visit the Mall Genant
    In front of this garden restaurant is very beautiful especially fish, his name (object of the sea)
    For the meals provided by .. And on the place .. Enter the location: you'll find what you want of delicious foods l
    And you'll find all the information you need

    Aqua Park:

    A city park water
    Located on the Cairo-Ismailia desert road .. I mean about 20 kilometers outside of Cairo
    Operates from Saturday to Thursday .. From 10 am to 7 pm

    Al-Azhar Park:

    Garden very modern ..
    Located on an area of ​​30 acres, the visitor can enjoy lunch, sitting in the arms of historic Cairo .. , In front of a selection of restaurants available .. Select the first restaurant with a model of Islamic and Arabic partly air-conditioned, and the other side in the open air .. The second option is to eat lunch in the heart of one of the artificial lakes

    Popular Markets

    1 - Kerdasa is located in the vicinity of the pyramid .... And Kerdasa rural village where one street to the right and left of this street shops selling jalabiyas, clothing and accessories ... Prices varying from place to me the place .. Do not forget Almkasrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..... And the best way to be consistent with the taxi who Biouselk he was waiting with him and agree on the price from the beginning.
    2. Abyssal: It is a popular market intervention in a narrow corridor and there on your right and left, shops selling a variety of towels, bed sheets, barges and other bellows .....
    3. Khan Khalili is on the opposite side of Gorée Maalik only cross the street or cross the footbridge and go to Khan El-Khalili and contains antiques, brass and copper leather and many others.
    4. Hussein: Hussein there in the many shops selling everything What you think and what do not you think of ... Enough to sit on a mahi and landing a man on man and Itjonk itinerant vendors (vendor rate every 3 minutes)

    5. The center of the country: the most famous markets in Egypt and contains several streets, including street and street Fouad Talaat Harb Street Abdalkhalq Tharwat Adly Street and Sheriff Street and Kasr El Nil Street

    Egyptian Museum:

    Egyptian Museum is the oldest museum in the world is designed as a museum, in the sense that there are older but it was determined that the villa or the library example, and then after years of turning to the Museum .. But the Egyptian Museum is the first museum was designed as a museum
    And the advantage of being the only museum in the world, which includes people's culture and only one .. It contains more than 160 thousand pieces .. In addition to the mummies
    The museum consists of two main floors .. Displays in the basement of the significant impacts where there are arranged historically, while the upper floor which is the best in my opinion it shows groups of small statues, manuscripts and royal mummies, coffins, wood, jewelry, and a full range of a single tomb such as the effects of Tutankhamun and the effects of Valley of the Kings and other
    The official website of the Egyptian Museum: You can visit /
    There is the museum in Tahrir Square .. And do not forget that you have a photo ID to enter .. Such as a passport, for example

    Coptic Museum:

    Something normal that you are visiting just to see all ..
    Especially that of Christian art is the link between Roman art and Islamic art
    This museum is located inside the famous fortress of Babylon, in ancient Egypt
    We said previously that the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas in Ancient Egypt .. And next to the Roman Church
    Museum in the same area
    The museum was founded by Mark thick Pasha in 1910 in the reign of Sultan Hussein, and the museum information in three languages ​​.. Arabic, English and French
    The number of holdings in the Coptic Museum Olfmguetny about 16, are arranged in chronological order
    The Coptic Museum was a follower of Btrerkipalqubtip until 1931 and then became affiliated to the Ministry of Culture
    Entrance fee = 16 pounds
    And the dates of entry from 9 am to 5 pm
    Note: I wonder from the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas whenever I went to him, and how Oncisdna Amr ibn al-Aas chose this particular place .. Next to the Roman Church, which is Mnokdm and the largest churches in Egypt
    I think that the reason for his choice of this place is proof of Baon Islam is a religion allows freedom of religion, but it was easy to demolish the church and its place Binaalmsadjad
    Imam Shafi'i was cast in this mosque lessons when he was in Egypt

    Al-Azhar Mosque:

    Most visitors here visited Hussein did not visit Al-Azhar mosque ..
    Gaamaalozahr is the first architectural work established by the Fatimids in Egypt .. Built by the essence of Sicilian year after open Fatimid Egypt in 970 AD, was the first prayer on 7 Ramadan 361 AH - 972 AD
    He did not know since its inception Al-Azhar Mosque, but was named Jaamaalqahrp
    Had a prominent role in resisting the French occupation .. And encourage Aljmaherelloukov in the face of the occupation

    Reserves Dzrnehralnil:

    Of course, the first time you hear this name ..
    There are islands in the Nile .. Fayalqahrp not only .. But in Luxor, Aswan and all the cities that experienced by the Nile, and has 144 islands Addhzh Island
    Enter the islands for free .. And you'll find the rare birds and animals and trees
    Varying sizes of the islands .. But most is near Luxor, where a capacity Hungarian Nile ..
    Sheraton Hotel and the island is located in Cairo .. So named because it is based on the islands of the Nile

    : Crazy Water
    Crazy Water:

    A water park .. Such as the Aqua Park
    But crazy
    Location: central hub - by 6 October - the entrance to Sheikh Zayed

    Pharaonic Village

    When you enter the village you think you went back thousands of years .. Society is that you live in.
    From the moment you start a boat tour through the canal that runs through the village you find yourself completely immersed in Pharaonic Egypt, wherever your gaze directed will receive more and more of the scenes and the echoes of ancient Egypt .. So you're satisfied in the end you really have traveled back through time to a remote and wonderful
    I started this dream village .. Dr. Hassan Ragab Imagine the potential of establishing a living museum with people dressed in natural meanings what had existed since the seven thousand years
    That was in 1974
    Began Dr. planted 5000 trees of trees that were characterized by Egypt of the Pharaohs .. Then brought the seeds of bulrush .. As well as the birds were almost extinct from the world .. All of this is close to the image of life in Pharaonic Egypt thousands of years ago
    And slowly began to dream come true .. Until it became the Pharaonic Village is open for visits since 1984, introduced by some additions and amendments in 1992
    Wander far in the Pharaonic Village Vtjd Group manufactures ships the same way as the Pharaohs .. And others Ihnton dead .. And others make ceramic .. And others make honey .. Etc.
    There is also the Yacht Nefertari, who is traveling in the Nile .. You can lunch on his back ..
    There is also inside the parks great for kids .. And shops to buy souvenirs .. And restaurants .. And the Museum of Islamic .. Papyrus Museum
    These 5 pictures of the Pharaonic Village from the inside .. And her grandmother after the trouble in the jungles of the Internet .. Wait to load all images
    I forgot to mention the title of the Pharaonic Village ..
    There are: 3 Great Sea Street - Giza

    Library and National Archives of:

    The idea for this house back to the Minister of Education Ali Pasha Mubarak (it was called the warden of knowledge) and that in the era of Khedive Ismail in 1870, has been replaced, and change the building to the existing building in the following image in 1960
    In order to: compilation of precious manuscripts, which remanded the sultans and princes, scholars and authors on mosques, shrines and institutes of science
    And was then called: Ketboukhanp (consisting of two sections: books + box)
    Htoi this house now on what Lloyd 57 A rare manuscript from all over the world, in addition to 3 of thousands of papyrus paper dating back to 78 m, also features a house on a set of Arabic coins back to the oldest year 77 AH

    : Markets

    1 Grand Mall. Appendix 2 Nile, Ramses Heliton. 3 Tiba Mall and Al Yamamah Mall, Arcadia Mall and the World Trade Center and Mrkzabustan Mall and Akkad Mall and the Liberty Mall, Talaat Harb Mall, Serag Mall and market era of the PC Mall and Mall of the Prince and Onederland Mall, First Mall CompuMe in Roxy, engineers and so on. '

    And theme parks such as:

    Dreamland 1 and 2 and 3 Sinbad Land Cairo Pharaonic Village, 4 and 5, Saladin's Citadel, Cairo Tower, 6, 7, Freedom Park on the island suffered ..... Ahv: 1 Egyptian Museum. 2 Museum of Umm Kulthum Museum of Vehicles 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fairgrounds island museum education 0.6 Mukhtar Museum. 7 Coptic Museum. 8 Museum of the Revolution Command Council Qasr Al-Aini Museum 0.9 ..

    Months and the most beautiful ship in the Nile fixed .. Nile City is
    It is of course a fixed length of the day in the Nile ..
    6 restaurants inside different
    One name (ring thickness), which provides fish and shrimp and Calamari, fish on the way, Spanish, Italian and Egyptian .. Etc.
    You can eat a meal inside the restaurant or ask them to eat outside the restaurant to see clearly the Nile .. To feel like you're inside a ship
    This restaurant and eat a very beautiful ..

    Hotels months:

    Sofitel Maadi:

    On the Corniche in Maadi - its beautiful and sophisticated place
    Of 5 Stars
    A little distance from the center of the country .. But in a wonderful place

    Sofitel Sphinx:

    Exist in the first through the Cairo-Alexandria Desert
    5 stars also

    Pyramisa Hotel:
    Located in Giza - specifically 60 Giza Street
    Of 5 Stars

    Concorde El Salam:
    In Heliopolis

    House Alooberaalmbarp

    Cairo Opera House, located in Zamalek .. In the area of ​​the island, which is one of the most important cultural beacon in Egypt, was established in 1988, was built instead of the old Opera House which burned in 1971, and who lived for 102 year
    This includes the huge edifice of cultural scene includes a large chair in 1200, in addition to a small theater for presentations at cultural seasons and includes 500 seats, has been taken into account in the design and existence of curves in the walls for the distribution of sound
    Dream City Park is one of the strongest entertainment city in the Middle East .. Accompanied by Egyptian businessman Dr. Ahmed Bahgat
    Sponsor in its design to be suitable for all classes and ages and tastes
    Dream Park is in the 6th of October City .. ..
    And its location: You can trust his /
    By the dates and games .. Etc.

    Military Museum

    This museum was built by a decision of Mohammed Ali Pasha in 1826
    Was moved from its original location for a number of other places .. To be settled in a place that has the now .. Palace, a campus located in the Castle
    This museum, home to the family of Muhammad Ali .. After the English occupation of Egypt became the headquarters of the military ruler of England .. Then forces a hospital to English
    Reclaimed and Egypt during the reign of King Farouk and became under the management of the Ministry of Defence .. Was converted into a museum .. It contains the history of the Egyptian army since the Pharaohs


    Which is found in a street in Zamalek Aljblaip, so some have called on the name of this garden: Garden Aljblaip
    In these caverns and corridors of the park where visitors go and put the glass boxes still contain a variety of fish and rare indigo, navy and ornamental fish, which are reflected by the sun through the upper openings, and in dark places highlighted electric in the art scene more beautiful

    Abdel Halim Hafez lived it .. It can be seen from the balcony of his house like other houses in this place

    Garden design fish-like, it is composed of two holes Chbhan slots behind the gills and the concourse area, and on both sides of the slots are Zaanaftan side view corridors behind the park

    The park now has 49 fish aquarium, as the panorama to view the stuffed fish, as a visitor sees an explanation of how the mutation of three-dimensional fish and take a special form to help them permanent living in the water, also contains ponds on the types of turtles that live in swamps and rivers

    And you'll find in the front garden contains a large pool of many predatory fish, and species that raise curiosity of visitors fish, pork and shark

    Outside the park there are fish corridors between green areas prefer to enjoy their families, and children play the place, also includes a garden of rare trees, Madagascar, Australia and Thailand

    October War Panorama:

    There are in the way of Salah Salem ..
    It is a beautiful building .. Cylindrical shape .. Islamic-style
    Were created after the October war directly .. The war is displayed in a manner interesting and simplified


    One of the three oldest parks in the world, was established in 1890, is located in Giza .. Near the University of Cairo, almost, a very large garden area of ​​80 acres!! And by 1200 of the various animals and birds, supervised by 100 Dr. veterinarian and more than 1000 workers
    In this garden is the oldest tortoise in the world, 300-year-old .. As well as by a number of rare animals .. Australian and live like ostriches, crocodiles, Indian indigo large Indian elephant, and a two-humped camel
    As you will see the American Eagle at the age of 125 years, and say that this eagle was a gift from the U.S. president for one of the rulers of Egypt 110 years ago, I mean before the opening of the park, and the eagle in his youth days .. He could carry a child and a large distance flight, but now you will see the signs of aging upon
    In the center of the garden there are the rest of ownership .. A great break when Sadat was meeting with some bosses
    When you enter from any gate to the gates of the park .. You'll find a map of the place .. It is better to buy in order to visit the garden in full and know all the places, the map is sold only half pounds

    Museum of Ahmed Shawki:

    We said that behind the zoo ..

    Means you can in one day visit the pyramids and then the zoo and then Ahmed Shawky Museum .. Because they are all in Giza, a short distance between them

    As for the Museum of Its substantially prime: you can trust as well as his /

    Garden Amartiland:

    In Egypt there are new .. It is very suitable for children
    Offers by many .. Such as display of fish and aquaculture, the pet, the white whale, the dolphins
    And inside the park like any other theme park

    Abdeen Palace:

    A wonderful sense of the word ..
    This was the palace is the seat of government ownership days, and was built by order of Khedive Ismail
    He is now considered a complex of museums .. Means includes a number of museums inside .. Including:
    Silverware Museum - Museum of the Royal Collection - Museum of Weapons - Museum of medals - Museum of Gifts President Mubarak - Museum of the crystal .. Etc., and you will see wonderful things in it too

    International Park:

    It is a very large garden .. Internationalization named because each state is part of the park .. Months, so has the trees and highlighted what makes it unique .. You'll find a special section of the UAE .. And another girl .. Bahrain .. And another for Japan .. And all Arab or foreign countries
    Which is located in Nasr City, you can visit the same day you visit the Mall Genant
    In front of this garden restaurant is very beautiful especially fish, his name (object of the sea)
    For the meals provided by .. And on the place .. Enter the location: you'll find what you want of delicious foods l
    And you'll find all the information you need

    Aqua Park:

    A city park water
    Located on the Cairo-Ismailia desert road .. I mean about 20 kilometers outside of Cairo
    Operates from Saturday to Thursday .. From 10 am to 7 pm

    Al-Azhar Park:

    Garden very modern ..
    Located on an area of ​​30 acres, the visitor can enjoy lunch, sitting in the arms of historic Cairo .. , In front of a selection of restaurants available .. Select the first restaurant with a model of Islamic and Arabic partly air-conditioned, and the other side in the open air .. The second option is to eat lunch in the heart of one of the artificial lakes

    Popular Markets

    1 - Kerdasa is located in the vicinity of the pyramid .... And Kerdasa rural village where one street to the right and left of this street shops selling jalabiyas, clothing and accessories ... Prices varying from place to me the place .. Do not forget Almkasrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..... And the best way to be consistent with the taxi who Biouselk he was waiting with him and agree on the price from the beginning.
    2. Abyssal: It is a popular market intervention in a narrow corridor and there on your right and left, shops selling a variety of towels, bed sheets, barges and other bellows .....
    3. Khan Khalili is on the opposite side of Gorée Maalik only cross the street or cross the footbridge and go to Khan El-Khalili and contains antiques, brass and copper leather and many others.
    4. Hussein: Hussein there in the many shops selling everything What you think and what do not you think of ... Enough to sit on a mahi and landing a man on man and Itjonk itinerant vendors (vendor rate every 3 minutes)

    5. The center of the country: the most famous markets in Egypt and contains several streets, including street and street Fouad Talaat Harb Street Abdalkhalq Tharwat Adly Street and Sheriff Street and Kasr El Nil Street.
    6. Roxy is close to Heliopolis and almost in the same shops found in downtown and found some shops in the Ramses Hilton ... Do not forget you are walking down the street, eat Coarmp Mutcherb mango juice from a restaurant Abu Haidar .... Ahawarmp taste delicious and also Asiarham.
    7. Atooqsd Street University who shops on the wall of Zamalek club: such as brown shoe stores and shops nearby.
    8. Abbas El Akkad, Nasr City.


    1. Supplement of the Ramses Hltonoiatbr best shopping complexes .. . The shops and cotton bags, shoes and boots, and all jalabiyas need.
    2. Sitistarz complex is located in Nasr City: luxury very complex and contains 4 or 5 adjacent to the hotel where some brands and some high-end boutiques as well as a park for children, cinemas and various restaurants and a coffee shop such as Starbucks and Sienbaun.
    3. OS Mall: also located in Nasr City in the ground floor there is a games hall for children, billiards and electronic games and a coffee shop ...
    4. First Mall: There on the ground floor Kofi Look Alimmm Charge genuine and almost 55 pounds over a few shops on the fingers and the prices are exaggerated Vihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAA and fantasy ....
    5. Arcadia Mall, located on the Nile Corniche in an area called El Farag, close to the Hotel Conrad: I personally liked the pool where the amusement of children as well as restaurants and cafes ...

    Obeyed pm:

    1. Qaddura restaurant is located in a street of the Arab League and the original branch located in Alexandria ... This restaurant is the cuisine of marine .. First enter the restaurant on your left Rogoff, the convergence of the types of fish, shrimp, squid and crab and other fish who Maaraf tilapia which is of course choosing the Old Horn said the worker Henw like fish fried and grilled, but ... And climb up and wait for your eating wellness and fulfillment,
    I forgot to tell you do not forget Thalowoowowon watermelons and drink soup CIA delegations
    Regarding the price, I think, equivalent to 50 pounds per person.
    2. Menoufy restaurant is located in Faisal Street pyramid, which is a restaurant that specializes Bkabab and meatballs and bathroom Mahchchcche Ammmmmmmmmmm
    3. Hadramout Restaurant in engineers, who can you relate to them via phone Giebonh you to your apartment and Mende their delicious
    4. Restaurant doubles: located in the center of the country .. This restaurant is a tourist and historical magnificence and eat and second to none and we have to Trouhon him.

    5. Damietta beans and Tamipvi engineers.
    6. Colt beans and falafel in the Sayyida Zainab.
    7. And me loves pastry Almcltaat you Pftatiri Hussein settle all kinds of pastry Almstlt .... Roowouap is located in the Al-Hussein in the cafes who in the background.

    8. Ahbiduelfen restaurant: the restaurant is located directly on the Nile in Manial King Abdul Aziz Street Qaadath dreamy vanilla and Nasesssssssssh and God, and have a lake where ducks and swans as well as a yacht and have seen every hour tour takes you into the Nile for an hour and the price of 5 pounds per capita.
    And have Minmm Charge 32 pounds per capita.
    Pre-booking or prefer to go early ie at 11 at night, so book your place.
    9. Vrydez is a steady ship on the Nile ... A group of restaurants including the restaurant and Fraidz Otalat Sienbaun and marine and outdoor cafe.

    Restaurants ships Fixed:

    1. Saraya ship ....
    It is located on the Nile Corniche in Zamalek ... Contains several restaurants in the States first and second
    The place is very sophisticated and Almnimm Garg 150 LE per person and must book in advance to go personally to book in advance .... And best of all, you relate to them and ask for whatever you think of the Questions.
    2. Basha ship ......
    It is located on the Nile Corniche in Zamalek and also close to the ship Saraya
    The same way Saraya are booking via phone Alimmm Garg 150 LE and start the concerts they have until 12 pm and 4:00 .. Basha also contains over 12 diverse restaurants from Lebanese and Italian .......

    3. Nile City Nile City
    A ship floating and fixed on the Nile and also contains several restaurants, including Egypt and Studio Celiiz and after the restaurant Nasih .... And sophisticated place also in the level of Basha and company.
    4. Vrydez memory of the former ......
    It is a steady ship on the Nile and also a group of restaurants, such as restaurant cuisine restaurant and marine Vrydez ... Decorative Vrydez liked. And prices, depending on your request. Which is close to the compound Elvirst Mall
    5. Ship Grand Hyatt
    A moving ship belonging to the Grand Hyatt and the buffet lunch and dinner and lunch dates at 2 pm and 5 pm and two hours for the tour price 211 pounds for the dinner and 125 pounds for lunch.

    6. Also places high Wehbe Dolphin I mentioned earlier is located on the Nile Corniche in Manial.
    7. Nile Maxim ship, a ship belonging to the mobile Marriott Hotel ..
    8. Ancient Ship ......
    9. ...... Blue Nile
    It also fixed a ship and close to the Nile City and the largest palace in the Nile and a variety of restaurants as well.
    10. Farah Butt and close Mnfrydez ...
    11. Nile Crystal
    12 vessels sun set Sunset
    13. Ship Alpetpetk
    14. Imperial
    15. Scarpep ship, a ship belonging to the Sofitel Hotel in Old Maadi, but the marina right in front of Hotel Semiramis and Saaram reasonable 145 pounds for the dinner (buffet)

    Note or rather advice
    Before any ship may ride on some of those mentioned Sabakaikzu you a tour of the Nile by boat Alnelelp and watched the ships, followed by identified


    * Grand Cafe is located inside the ship Fraidz on the Nile and its wonderful.
    * The Best sufficient First Venq Mall of the Four Seasons (Deluxe) fun
    * Arcadia complex where the ground floor cafe and second floor cafe overlooking the Nile, frankly magnificence Monday
    * Shop Chilantroh enough Mohamed Mahmoud Street for the American University in central Italy the country is characterized by the atmosphere and Italian cuisine especially Italian coffee in the morning and all kinds of salads, sandwiches and light
    * Grube cafe in the center of the country's oldest cafes, Egypt, and now it is its venue was set and I think that if I recall correctly approaching eighty year
    * Group Almirlnd Cafes in Heliopolis.
    * A wonderful Cafes in Serag Mall, Nasr City
    * Plateau expect that people who Tantqlh rather than the mayor and Fashion Cafe Grand Cafe is located inside the ship Fraidz on the Nile and its wonderful .. And his idea of ​​a nearby street engineers Mohi Din Abou El Ezz Morocco behind the glasses ..
    * Coffee Shop see Bonn wonderful but very crowded and the ocean-going upper class Egyptian, a Balchorbh.
    These restaurants and cafes, I hope you like

    Restaurants + Cafes in Cairo

    Qaddura St. - League of Arab States seafood is very tasty price of the individual to reap almost 50 and has a branch in Alexandria, of course, a sophisticated restaurant and clean on entering the spirit Tbgah choose to fish on your left and take a number and go sit at the table.
    The restaurant consists of three floors and the prices are relatively moderate to high
    Mnovi St. - Faisal Haram Grill - Kebab - Kofta - bathroom is the most famous kebab restaurants also
    Engineers attended the death of Mandi Bethlehem
    Wrap up the Tahrir Square - Downtown - El Fouad * Hoda Shaarawi Street, Talaat Harb Square, this restaurant is a tourist and historical magnificence and eat and second to none and we have him Trouhon
    Rami Abu Zeinab
    The altar is very tasty meat sweeter Kofta + blades 60 kilo price and reap the most famous kebab restaurants in Cairo and Diem get artists in the last night together there after the display of the plays

    Ms. Zainab colt Bean - Falafel
    Aftatiri Hussein kinds of pastry Almstlt
    Nile steamer s Dolphin - King Abdulaziz St. Gelasat Nile they take a yacht tour to 5 pounds Grill - Liver Axanderanih very tasty pre-booked
    Vrydez Nile ship fixed in Giza Group Restaurants - American Vrydezacklat + Atlat marine + Snebon + Outdoor Cafe

    Vertical behind Farghali Mandy + Gouzee + applied + bean + Tmis
    Haty field Anas Anas bin Malik Mandy engineers reap the price Alinver 20
    Nile Nile Dragon Chinese restaurant is excellent and rewarding clean
    Roche and Kandahar 3 El Arab League, Lebanese cuisine + Indian
    Justin Hassan Sabri St., Zamalek, French cuisine
    Nubian village, the shooting range next to the Hotel Le Meridien Pyramid Joe Belly Dance - Egyptian, Lebanese cuisine
    Abu Shakra St. Qasralaini kinds of barbecue + cuisine Egyptian + cuisine Middle Eastern
    Abu Shakra, Arab League St. Make your account an increase of 50% of the bays
    Moon role of the field of Ibn Affan - Dokki types of cuisine
    Nile City boat behind the Nile and the Cairo Tower
    The place you can see if you stood on the Bridge Kasr El Nil .. You will see from the top, and then go walking her .. Exactly 5 minutes from there
    Restaurant studio Msrellemczuyat Alzivh very good prices +3 restaurants in the same vessel
    City composite Neil Street, Galatasaray Island
    Working hours 00 - 02:00
    Weekend: Open week length
    Fish Market St., Nile most luxurious restaurants Navy
    Flying FSH Agouza most luxurious restaurants, marine
    Le Chateau Buildings Nasr - Nile St. - Giza French cuisine + free + French pastry
    Antrcot Cafe de Paris Ibn Al Waleed St., Dokki diversity of dishes from all over the media
    Papillion, 26 July St. arsenal Center
    Cobcetks Syria St., Mohandiseen Chinese cuisine
    Andrea Mariotia canal through the pyramid garden taste + bread oven Municipal
    Taj Mahal Lebanon St. engineers Kitchen Indian + hot spices delicious
    Ship moving Nile Blue Nile-side Cairo Tower Banani Mawal + Moroko Moroccan + Splondond Italian conquerors
    Mayor St. - Talaat Harb sandwiches bean + Falafel + Luxury is very dangerous
    Farghali St., Arab League Mounqa ice cream is very tasty
    Cedar tribute Arab engineers Restaurant & Cafe
    Millennial-side market compromise
    Kpabjee Arabian King Faisal St. - Dokki bath Stuffed - Kebab - Kofta
    Steamboat Christale Nile Maadi very awe and cleanliness of eating at 2:30 and 8 and 10:30 night night
    Farhat in front of Merryland Heliopolis Grills + bath + reasonable prices
    Abu Tariq threshold Luxury yummy
    Fresh St. Hijaz
    Shawarma place of grace for the very delicious + and sandwiches Galleries + breakfast
    Rifa BBQ Grill
    Aotomarki before Farghali rewarding OK

    Name of Restaurant Site Feedback

    First thing the former Central Mall Excellent
    Haty at the door of Army Brigade is a wonderful thing and very tasty restaurant clean
    Scarpe Nile steamer buffet at 270 reap from 7:30
    Steamer Nile Ancient Egypt to Beijing Palace Chinese Manesterly Joe
    Steamboat Vrehot Nile St. Giza oriental cuisine + Falafel + besara + dishes French + Italian + Coffee Shop
    Sunset Nile steamer is not recommended by the
    Saraya Nile steamer - Zamalek reap 150
    Nile steamer Basha - Zamalek taking under 150 in an Italian restaurant
    Coffee Hussein al-Maliki
    Coffee Zahra Hussein
    Coffee Fishawy Hussein
    Coffee ruins Hussein
    Coffee Hussein Naguib Mahfouz
    Grube cafe downtown's oldest cafes Egypt
    Chilantroh Mohamed Mahmoud St. Joe before the American University of Italian + Italian coffee + all kinds of authorities + sandwiches
    Cairo Tower in Cairo Tower revolving restaurant
    Pizza Hut
    Abohaidar Heliopolis near the Ramses Hilton mango juice + Shawarma tasty, very, very
    Villanj Fish Agouza
    Steamboat Grand Hyatt Hotel for a dinner 211 to reap reap only 125 food buffet
    Steamer Nile Nile Maxim reap 194
    Pharaonic vessel 138 Nile Street in Giza in front of Four Seasons Hotel welcomes you working steamboats Pharaonic Pharaonic dress which makes you feel you are in ancient Egypt. Flight schedules: day trip lunch from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm, and my trip dinner hours from 7.45 to 9.45 and 10.30 to 12.30 midnight, prices: 84.5 Egyptian pounds per person per trip lunch and 125.5 Egyptian pounds per person per dinner cruises needed reservation
    Steamboat Scarpep for Semiramis Hotel, 145 buffet reap
    Faces the sea in front of the International Garden - Nasr City Fish
    Falafilo on the Nile near the Happy Dolphin Almnim Charge which 13.5
    Luxury Liberation Tahrir Square Kosheri
    So and so the king of mangoes under the bridge Luigi reliable mango
    Coffee Street intersection to join forces with Syria Shihab the spirit of his legs State Street ... Very very dangerous enough and clean up what you imagine and meetings Rayeq internal and external
    If the spirit of the morning came he breaks his fast with them Fall
    Mini Charger with them after the age of 35 LE
    Moon neighbor u of the Arab League rewarding sweet
    Aksprso engineers Syria Street Raiqin
    House your home and the owner say that Saudi families even have a special section a fabulous restaurant is excellent and very rewarding but Gilli
    Fashion Cafe St., League of Arab States engineers
    Coffee Shop is characterized by providing snacks and drinks and argela Arab and décor make you feel you are sitting in an atmosphere of a film where the walls covered in images of the artists as well as for workers Balkovi Shop, which opened on each of them the name of the artist or the Arab world. Minimum of 20 pounds per capita
    Cafe blades 17 El Talaat Harb, Cairo
    It features a cafe decor feathers of rare photographs of the artists and novelists and public figures were ocean-going over the years. Prices start from 10 pounds per person and there is no minimum
    Restaurant Abu Sayed Zamalek engineers 157 26 July Street in the first two sections - Lutfi Rauf Hassan Sabri Street
    Zamalek - Cairo II - 48 Sami Mourad Street, Giza
    My Girl Next Door restaurant and meeting Mowot ...... Egyptian engineers model open Jowo imagination
    Senkeria High Class and Joe Shhhhr
    Zamalek restaurant Tabbouleh
    Restaurant Kabbjee sweeter time after 5 times
    Dandasha Coffee Shop Coffee Agouza
    Alexandria Coffee Coffee Pyramid
    Coffee Coffee Belisaris engineers
    Coffee Coffee Dokki de Paris
    Quinn criminalized Nasr City Coffee
    Bedouin Nasr City Coffee
    Nasr City Coffee tales
    Votel sufficient Nasr City Coffee
    Rigoletto Epica Egypt Nasr City Coffee
    Bonn Bosch Manial Bakery Chocolate
    Andalusia and the house Eldonts Giza and many branches of coffee
    Garden Promenade Cafe Nasr City Coffee
    Nobij bubonulus sufficient Nasr City Coffee
    Omar Nasr City Cafe Coffee
    Kofi JVC to 101 cities victory Coffee
    Five Bells Nasr City coffee - which is surrounded by Baalhaddaiq Rowouah
    Coffee Krno Wskay Nasr City Coffee
    Coffee Carlos Nasr City Coffee
    Coffee Coffee Kokhal Heliopolis
    Coffee Coffee Harris Heliopolis
    Manhattan Heliopolis Coffee
    Riforist Heliopolis Cafe Coffee
    And Petit Palmyra Heliopolis Coffee
    Cafe Corniche near the building of radio and television in the Nile Corniche Coffee
    Coffee Danesh near the building of radio and television in the Nile Corniche Coffee
    Hard Coffee and Randy Fu enough Babarika near the building of radio and television in the Nile Corniche Coffee
    Juices Kassabguy Bridge Kasr El Nil almost after the State Department Nile
    A large cup is approximately 1.5 pounds
    Tabbouleh restaurant in Garden City 1 st Latin America - Garden City -
    Restaurant Sgiron almost eight tables in which only offers a restaurant eating Banani old Old stately décor and rewarding the top of the magnificence and prices for Deertna reasonable but for the people of Egypt Gilli

    Bill Cafe 17 El Babylon St, Dokki St. certified shop features enough to provide snacks and all kinds of drinks and to spend quality time with friends, and prices ranging between 10 and 20 pounds per person There is no minimum
    Fashion Cafe 61 AM League of Arab States engineers Coffee Shop is characterized by providing snacks and drinks and argela Arab and décor make you feel you are sitting in an atmosphere of a film where the walls are covered with pictures of actors and actresses as well as for workers Balkovi Shop, which opened on each of them the name of an Arab artist or global. Minimum of 20 pounds per capita
    Cafe blades 17 El Cairo Talaat Harb and former astronauts Naguib Mahfouz and Akkad and President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Sadat and now most of the artists, novelists and foreign reporters in Cairo. It features a cafe decor feathers of rare photographs of the artists and novelists and public figures were ocean-going over the years.

    Important phone numbers in Cairo ...
    Directory Enquiries: 140 / 141 KFC Delivery: 19 019 Fresh Restaurant: 19 018 Pizza Hut Restaurant: 19000 restaurant chicken tikka: 19 099
    Restaurant Smkmk: 2753513 Open to 4 am Restaurant Domino's Pizza: 2,911,717 McDonald's: 19 991
    Grand Café Reservations: 5709695 steamers Alfruonip: 5701000

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 11/25/2024, 00:00