شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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    Aslam Lord Hadley descendant of the royal family

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    Aslam Lord Hadley descendant of the royal family Empty Aslam Lord Hadley descendant of the royal family

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 10/23/2012, 23:52

    Lord Hadley descendant of the royal family


    Islam Story

    Monday, August 16, 2010 - 08:50


    Despite generator Lord Hadley in House Christian tradition, it did not feel days in his heart faith honest about Christianity, but as long as times before, doubts the validity of the teachings promoted by the church, and rituals practiced by the Fathers of the Church in their prayers and Okdashm, and as long stopped his thought when the sacraments seven.

    It could not - a cultured human conscious - digest the idea of ​​eating the body of Christ, or drink his blood as Christians they imagine eat bread Church and drink Nbivha, also not convinced by the idea of ​​human sacrifice, which is one of the foundations of the doctrine of the church .. And as God wills that travels to the region, "Kashmir" which condemns people to Islam, in order to engineering projects, where he worked as an officer in the British Army and an engineer, and there gave him a friend army officer a copy of the Koran while touching fascination with the behavior of Muslims.

    This gift was the beginning you know the real Islam; as found in the book of God, what the nature of himself and fits the spirit .. Found that the concept of divinity - as stated in the Quran - in line with logic and common sense, and is characterized by very simply, as touching in the Islamic religion characteristic tolerance, that attribute that did not feel her presence among his family of Christians who knew Ptasbhm against other religions, but against each other; Catholics Atasbon against Protestants, and they in turn fans against Orthodox, who are just as likely as the two communities intolerant against them, every team claims that his doctrine is right and what else is false, and is marketed in the way of arguments Isfara contradict each other.

    Could not Lord Hadley but tends to Islam after studying the Holy Quran translated, and read about the Islamic faith, and the heroes of Islam first who managed to become the greatest leaders of the world, and strongly faith founded a great civilization flourished for centuries, at a time when Europe is suffering under the weight of ignorance and tyranny of the popes and cardinals. Lord Hadley also found in Islamic law and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions followed followers set a good example by Troy thirsty soul to the right, was difficult for him to realize that Islam is a faith and behavior.

    Although convinced Lord Hadley Islam it remained nearly twenty years stifles Islam for family reasons, even wrote his God is announced to the public in a ceremony of the Islamic Society in London, and it was what he said:

    "I Baalana Islamic now no one ever asked I thought twenty years ago, and what I was invited by the Islamic Society of Olimitha very pleased, to be able to go to them and tell them Baltsaqa extreme religion, and I did not care to do anything to show Nbve to my relationship with the church English which originated in her lap, and I did not Ahvl بالرسميات in the Islamic Declaration, though it is religion that I hold now. "

    The Lord Hadley went on to say: "The lack of tolerance adherents Christianity was the biggest reason I came out for their university, you do not hear anyone from the Muslim disparage anyone from other faiths, as we hear from Christians in each other".

    And went on speaking about the many aspects of that magnitude to Islam, he said:

    "The purity of Islam and the ease and after all the passions and doctrines priestly and clarity of his argument - was all of these things is greater than the impact on myself, I have seen in the Muslim attention to their religion and devotion to him what I did not see like the Christians, the Christian respects religion - usually - on Sunday, even If past Sunday forgets his religion along the week ... The Muslim Contrary, always loves his religion, whether he has it is Friday or other, not abated for a moment to think about all the work where the worship of God. "

    After that embraced Lord Hadley Islam called as "God's mercy Farouk", and had to convert to Islam echoed widely in Britain theoretically title great holds, and being politically prominent, and a leading member of the House of Lords, where criticized the British press, and accused him of the sincerity of his religion, trying to explain Multi to convert to Islam as to gain cheap, and it is to become a Muslim representative on the boards of Lords and their leader.

    This prompted convert new "God's mercy Farouk" to reply to his critics with an article titled (why you become Muslim?), Which reads in part as saying: "We - the British - we used to be proud of our love for fairness and justice, but any injustice greater than to judge - as do most of us - the corruption of Islam before Nlm some beliefs, but to understand the meaning of the word Islam?! ".

    Then went on to say: "It is likely that some of my friends fancy that Muslims are the ones who influenced, but this illusion that has no reality, the Aatqadhati present not only as a result of thinking I spent several years ... I do not need to say that I am filled with pleasure when I found Nzeriati and my results are consistent in complete agreement with the Islamic religion. "

    It is worth mentioning that it has had to Islam "God's mercy Farouk" or Lord Hadley greatest impact in strengthening the Islamic Movement in Britain; as barely pass a few months to announce his conversion to Islam even traced more than four hundred British and British, after what drew their attention to occur by about the virtues of Islam, piled on reading Islamic books, and entered the Islam.

    Interestingly, the head of the "mercy of God Farouk" British Muslim Society, addresses the attacks hate Islam, and faces up to pen an advocate for the religion of God, Rada maliciousness to throats Alkaúdan who are trying to portray Islam as a religion desires.

    And responses to those published by the magazine (of Islamic Rfe), where he says: "All these attempts futile and despicable means by the missionaries for contempt of the law of the Prophet great Balbmaeh and Bambassasef not affecting them unharmed, and does not change the doctrine of his followers one iota."

    He is on the missionaries, saying: "No wonder that lie missionaries have Afteroa a lie against Allah, how demonstrated thief Secretariat and fucking integrity and heretic religiosity! But no wonder, it has Gad of their face water modesty, has said the Prophet of Islam:" If you do not ashamed, then do as you wish . "If they were ashamed of themselves - or at least people - because they make such a claim falsehood, slander is clear."

    For many years, "mercy of God Farouk" defends through his writings and speeches about Islam, and the development of several books, perhaps the best known and most important book (Western vigilant on Islam).

    And gained fame among Muslims inside and outside Britain, was thrown open arms in the Muslim countries wherever, including a meeting in Egypt with shouts welcome and affection.

    Source: Quran Palestine radio.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 11/24/2024, 22:13