شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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    Islam Mary beautiful American Jewish

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    Islam Mary beautiful American Jewish Empty Islam Mary beautiful American Jewish

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 10/19/2012, 20:08

    Islam Mary beautiful American Jewish


    D. Muhammad Musa Al-Sharif

    Thursday, May 5, 2011 - 07:19


    The fortunes of God's creation wonderful, Tsarifa amazing, and gifts for the creation traders where minds, and understood by sight, no matter wanted nothing happened, and if as nothing and spent must be and shall spent, Almighty If He decrees a thing, He only says to him, Be.

    This was submitted inevitable to talk about Mary is beautiful, those American Jewish which inspired him to God of Islam in the context of wondrous, attracting amazing, and in time when there were of Islam vogue, not for Muslims market dead, but guidance, does not know barriers, and not stand without obstacles , and penetrate the hearts of entry into force of the sun to the earth, and apply to the brains transmission brightness to darkness.

    I was born this great woman in New York 1934, to Jewish parents of German descent, and her name was (Margaret Marcus) and was the way its inception in that environment contaminated drift ignorance proof care of God out, it did not taste the wine in her life, did not meet with men, did not attend the concerts folk, and all this wondrous like her, was a childhood attending lessons held by the Jewish Sunday school ..

    And hear Rabbi He tells them that the Arabs and Jews are the children of Abraham - and the Prophet best prayers and completed delivery - became wish to go to Palestine to see the boys uncle and meeting them, and then she was shocked after that day saw her parents are celebrating the decision of the division in 1947 AD, and collecting donations for statehood deformed, and then celebrate the victory of the Jews in 1367 e 1948, it became discusses her parents strongly in the establishment of a Jewish state on Arab sorrows and pains, Fjba of her words.

    Then she turns to read the lengthy and bizarre from a girl like her, has led this reading to the shop, and Ibadtha for seduction and Amaya, and read the first thing I read translation of the Qur'an for a British Muslim Mohammed Bicthol Vtathert including read, and had the power of translation impact in her life still, especially as it compared the This translation and Yusuf Ali's translation, which she described as weak and apologetic, ie, that the translator was unable to melt from the Western view, a family translates the book of God, and this is a good note indicate the depth and understanding.

    Then they found in the New York Public Library book pendant lamps translated into English, a book in the Hadith, Fkvt even finished it!! If you ask students of science us today and intellectuals for this book might ignorant address, let you read, and the mercy of God by it had seen so much of the conversations at an early stage, it found widespread protected it from Quranists (who claim they take the Koran only) and Dilalathm, She was able to understand Islam solemn understanding apprised source, and Alagtrav of Maanhma.

    Continued Mary her undergraduate studies at New York University - Faculty of Arts, but got sick Vangtat school two years, and Tnawstha whispers in her illness from each side until almost Tlhadd, but God remedied more reading and see, and amazing they were able Bhmtha and دأبها relate to personalities Islamic high amount in squeeze , was sent to Bashir Brahimi of Algeria, Said Ramadan in Geneva, known Dawalibi in Syria, Mr. Sayyid Qutb in prison in Cairo may God have mercy on them all.

    The misled Professor Said Ramadan on Professor Sayed, and asked her to Trazle, and sent several letters to the other characters, but it was the turning point in her life is their relevance with Mr. Mawdudi - Almighty God's mercy - has ever known read an article in the Journal of Islamic were issued in South Africa, and also was Mr. Syed is advised to contact Bmododi, was impressed Palmqalh too, and sent to Professor message to his address in Pakistan, what appalled, however, has it received the answer after nearly two months interpreted him great pleasure, and continued correspondence between them nearly three years, and was transporting him in the correspondent to say the in informing America and Canada ..

    The irony is that this correspondence turns them deep culture Mary beautiful to reduce amazing, I asked him various questions about the characters following, and discussed by a lengthy discussion on things convictions on them, for example, I asked him about Shah Waliullah Dahlawi, a flags adults in the history of India, and is one of the inter innovators, فظنت he wanted to invent a new doctrine out of the four schools, Between Mawdudi that the Shah wanted to strive to bring the four schools, and take advantage of all of us, not just as I went to him in thought she ..

    And I asked him about Iqbal (famous poet) and said to him: "The turnout Nasr nationalism and patriotism in his hair," Vsedkha Professor Mawdudi and told her that this things that exaggerated Iqbal - God's mercy - and I asked him about Abdel Nasser said: "It is someone who wants to work for himself and his glory Profile, and that all its aid to Africa and other in its favor personal ", and this from a thorough understanding of the difficult time that overshadowed the reputation of Abdel Nasser on many concepts, and was his strong personality and his claims nationalism had misled more people, the understanding of Mary beautiful personality so clearly in the last fifties, this is an advanced understanding.

    And I asked him about Ataturk and the tragedies that manufacture in Turkey, and her words beautifully in Nursi, where she said it: "It's not Exaggeratedly to say: that the rest of the Islamic faith in Turkey but due to the determined efforts of Bediuzzaman Nursi," and I asked him about Qadiani, which was then at the beginning of the spread and establishment of mosques in damage, America, and these questions and discussions took place at the time of its Jewishness - and this amazing - they had reached a high stage of maturity and understanding of consciousness and Jewish culture which we hope to reach the majority of Muslims!!.

    Then explain God chest in in 1381 AH - 1961, I went to the imam of a mosque in Brooklyn, New York, David Faisal, and converted to Islam on his hands, and called herself Mary beautiful, and began her life stage wonderful all ابتلاءات and tribulations, for example, they go to the mosque and discuss Muslims who were angry views about Abdel Nasser and Ataturk!!, and it received a Saudi student at the university to tell that to all Muslims to pray with Christians in the Church of the university, if they can not, then at least attending Christian ethics classes at the university!!!.

    And saw the commercial center of Toshi in New York Volgth happy to be surprised wines fill the center of the land on the roof!! I was surprised a French woman employee at the center told her that Bourguiba began a new phase in Tunisia to leave the debt behind his back!!.

    After graduation she was at the university are looking for work, so I went to the Arab Center in New York, what they knew they were Jewish in Islam, and it is opposed to the work and ideas of Abdel Nasser but turned it, and after a cool interview.

    And she was attending Friday in the mosque, was agreed students to deliberate speeches among themselves, and when he and relate Nuba wrote a sermon exquisite wonderful situation of Muslims and how to treat their illnesses, and delivered one of the students on their behalf, so she upon the resurrection of other students; they said nationalism and symbols bad, and showed that it was a bug Islamic body's ills!!.

    And there were students who question the Hadith!! It was decorated her way Ataturk the Nehru!!.

    Thus had a lot of trouble in faith and ideology and culture, and she was telling Mr. Mawdudi all this ..

    Then told her father that they be retiring soon, and are stepping down from their apartment with room four, who live in another apartment is small, and it could not be with them, and we must muddle!!, When she was twenty-seven years فضاقت the world, and was Professor Mawdudi had Show them repeatedly to move to Pakistan but was reluctant, then after all that has been it decided to go, and persuaded Mawdudi her mother and her father and Tmonhma on their two daughters that you'll find all the care and attention, and actually packed her bags and left New York in 1382 AH - 1962 and moved to Lahore boat!! ..

    What a trek! But great faith overcome difficulties and hardships, and surprisingly they stood in Alexandria and got off the ship Vsadft mosque separated when, asked her imam from their destination told him it was going to Pakistan, what was it but told her - God forgive him: "Are you stupid to leave your America?! ".

    And see God to bless this imam and patience the beautiful Mary faced.

    Then she reached Lahore, and the best to Mr. Mawdudi, and put her in his home two years, and then he her husband to one of his followers, Muhammad Yusuf Khan, who is married and has five children, but this woman strange not mind diversity, has convinced me it is still in America, The sad of Almanaan him, or of his righteous justification is weak, then applied herself in Lahore, and the funny thing is that they offered to Mawdudi marry her but he apologized!! And her two sons and two daughters and twelve grandchildren.

    Today she lives with her co-wife in the same house, and is happy with her life and satisfied.

    And lived in Lahore of the Year 1383 AH - 1963 AD to this day, and never graduated, and no longer to the America that many of us wish to go and live there!!.

    She lived the life of an Islamic fantastic, a supervisor of episodes Women in her home, and still writes books and send messages to now - may God protect - has her phone and Rjutea come for pilgrimage but topped the vulnerability of the Needle, and I told her: that coming to the UK will have a significant impact on Muslim women Saarafn story or Arafnha, but apologized - God saved - I said to her: "What is your will for Muslims", she said: Adersoa the Qur'an and the Hadith, and do not follow Western civilization, and Consider Islamic culture.

    Important stages in her life:

    1 - remained a few years an atheist just because they did not find our insatiable entitlement cultural, intellectual and even spiritual light of her life Islam.

    2 - I wore the full veil and committed, we have seen her image is Paljlabab black Alsabg, does not show her body thing, and this greatest message to all Muslim women Atzhln to wear the hijab, and tolerate him, this was a Jewish American, and committed to full hijab Alsabg.

    3 - I tried to call her parents to Islam repeatedly when she was in America after their arrival to Lahore messages multiple but refused, and Mata unbelievers Year 1405 H - 1985, and so faith, if managed بشاشته of hearts can not owner only to invite the likes of him, I do not imagine قعوده for those important task.

    3 - Number of which she encountered nearly 14 books, all overflowing with the spirit and Thabh, and a distinct understanding, and informed and wide culture, and singled out a book in the tragedy of the Palestinians called Ahmed Khalil, published by Professor Mawdudi in Pakistan.

    4 - The the Mawdudi greatest thinkers of the century it was freelancing figures such as Sayyid Qutb and professors among others, I mentioned to you at the heart of what I wrote above, this certificate respectable woman and wide culture, great look like.

    5 - I think that, dear readers يوافقونني to count these women, for example a large and important role in access to guidance by the conviction full generated after reading a lengthy and wide culture, and correspondence with a large number of Islamic personalities of high-level, and thus unfit to be an excellent example for girls sex who read a little, and a multitude Alcatherh culture of them weak.

    And finally say what the greatest liability placed us in the delivery of Islam all human beings, as how those like Mary who are looking for beautiful and he wants right?!!

    Source: by Islam. Quoting site history.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 9/23/2024, 01:39