شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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[ مُعاينة اللائحة بأكملها ]

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 600 بتاريخ 9/22/2024, 12:41


    Why is the safest of these

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    Why is the safest of these Empty Why is the safest of these

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 4/3/2011, 01:34

    لماذا اسلم هؤلاء

    . Captain (Abdel Karim Orsenas) Philippine swimming coach, and winning - in addition to sports studies - studies in psychology from the University (Manila), tells the story of his conversion to Islam says:

    Thank God I am the first Muslim in the family (Orsenas) Christian, was raised and educated in a christian environment in the capital Manila, where there are Muslims, they are concentrated in the southern regions of the Philippines, and you and I am a small keen my parents to take me with them to the church, if not done so My father was an old man and took me to the church.

    When I was young, I was not keen on going to the church, at this stage that I joined the university began to think of the Christian religion that I follow, I took read a lot about it, I was impressed by the multiplicity of sects in Christianity between Catholics and Protestants and so on, and the marvelous increase of These doctrines do not agree, although not agreed to the belief that God is one.

    When submitted to the Kingdom to work as a coach swimming, it was my first contact Muslims, we - as I said - do not we call Muslims in the Philippines, they have their areas where they live, and we do not hear anything about them, unless the conflict between them and the government, which envisioned us state media that the political conflict is not connected with religion, they portray Muslims as a group of rebels who are demanding some of the land and political rights, and thank God I did not summon the highest weapon in the face of Muslims who became one of them now.

    When I came to the Kingdom, began to know the Muslims, and stand on their conditions and their customs and traditions, and was among those who Odrihm to swim child was only thirteen years old, I see the actions of the Young Muslim deeply committed; is quiet, reserved, orderly in his life, not promises me something once and leave behind this promise, and was keen to perform prayers on time, and I saw a lot of reading the Koran in times of comfort.

    This has been a Young Muslim has the intelligence and drive, and the strength of Note wonderful; Once that note, I watched his actions and take comfort in his company brought me a number of booklets translated into English and that talk about religions and compare them, and gave me a copy of the Koran translator, said Lee Young Muslim: When you read these books, you'll learn the secret behind my actions undisciplined.

    This was the first time I read about Islam, with many of my readings started to stand on the facts has been absent from me as they are absent for many like myself. I was very impressed of what I read, especially when I read the Koran translator, was what I read about the existence of one God and Creator in line with what I think and convinced of him, was drawn to Islam, so I called myself (Karim), even before that the most famous Islamic!! The reason for this behavior of the Young Muslim who thanks to him - after God - in the definitions of Islam, and thus in my situation at the beginning of the path of guidance.

    And started to care about the prayer performed by my colleagues at work, and the mosque is in the workplace, I was watching to see them in their prayer and reverence this wonderful and they bow down and worship and follow only one imam in the commitment and the system of Badi not seen before.

    That my colleagues at work did not fall short with me; understanding like that Young Muslim who left him in Jeddah, I take care of me care, and when they noticed my interest in Islam and the large number of newborn and admiration for this prayer performed by them brought me some brochures that talk about Islam.

    One of these booklets books (Ahmed Deedat), which includes Mahorath with the Reverend (Siegwart), often you hear that Muslims hate others to enter into Islam, and this is fresh in my mind when I came to the UK, but I did not find something like this , I've had conversations Ahmed Deedat with Rev. Siegwart significant impact on myself, and I admire the most admiration for this man and I see him beating the arguments, and provide evidence by step guide, using the mind and the physical evidence, and I often laugh cynical towards, and I see Siegwart Falls defeated in each round, has been the responses are not convincing at all, because it stands on the side of falsehood and know well before the Christian Muslim.

    So I sent a message to Ahmed Deedat express my admiration for the tremendous abilities of persuasion, and ask him for more such interviews and meetings that show right from wrong.

    And I had to enter Islam and the switch from Christianity, I asked my colleagues to refer to what must be, and since that day, which will not forget that after becoming a Muslim I believe in Allah and His Messenger and the other day, and that there is heaven and fire and punishment .. I am also very happy and I live the life of Muslims obedient;, go to pray, where I find great pleasure in prostration to Allah, and I are feeling reassured myself great, I've had my previous life a sort of anarchy and the lack of clarity of purpose, Vobdlni God by worldly life is the life of light and order and morality and values, I am glad the company of fellow Muslims, Islam is really great and I am happy to Pantsabi.
    Jadallah Quranic .. Do you know? >>

    -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

    Home ..

    Somewhere in France by nearly fifty years there was a Sheikh - meaning older - old Turkish fifty years the name Abraham and works in a shop selling food ..
    This shop is located in the building you live in a Jewish family apartments, and to this son of Jewish family named (seriously), has seven years old ..

    Jewish serious ..

    Accustomed to the child (serious) that comes to replace Uncle Ibrahim daily to buy a home needs, and was at a time and when he came out Istgvl Uncle Abraham and steals a piece of chocolate ..
    One day, he forgot (seriously) to steal a piece of chocolate when he came out he cried Uncle Abraham and told him that he forgot to take a piece of chocolate that is taken every day!
    Injured (seriously) that he was horrified to think that Uncle Abraham did not know about stealing something and take that appeals to Uncle forgive him and prepared to take that does not steal a piece of chocolate again ..
    Uncle said to him, Abraham: "No, Tadeni that do not steal anything in your life, every day and when you go Take a piece of chocolate are you" ..
    He agreed (serious) with joy ..
    The years passed and became Uncle Abraham as a father, friend and mother's (GAD), the Jewish boy ..

    Was (seriously) if the harassing of the command or has encountered a problem comes to Uncle Abraham presents his problem! When the end comes out Uncle Ibrahim book from the drawer in the shop and give him (GAD) and ask him to open a page at random from this book and after that opens (GAD) Page The uncle Ibrahim read the pages that appear normal after closing the book and solve the problem and come out (GAD) has Anzah worry and calmed his mind and his problem solved ..

    Several years passed and this is the case of (serious) with Uncle Abraham, a large Turkish Muslim older learner!

    After seventeen years, has become (seriously) a young man in the twenty-fourth years of age and became Uncle Abraham in the seventh and sixty years of age ..
    Uncle Ibrahim died in 1985 before his death left a fund for his children and was placed into the book, which was (serious) whenever he sees in the shop was visited by the executor of his sons to give him (seriously) after his death as a gift for him (GAD), a young Jewish!
    Science (GAD) the death of Uncle Ibrahim when the cousins ​​Ibrahim and his delivery of the Fund particularly saddened and important to the point where he is amiable Uncle Abraham and his Al.r him from the flames of problems .. !

    The days passed ..

    On what's got a problem (serious) remember Uncle Abraham and his little box that he left him, returned to the Fund and open it and if it found the book that he used to open every time visiting Uncle in the shop!

    Open (Gad) page in the book but the book was written in Arabic, he did not know, so he went to his Tunisian friend and asked him to read two pages of this book, he did!
    After explaining that (serious) problem to his Tunisian find the solution to (serious)!
    Shocked (GAD), and asked: What is this book?
    Said to him, Tunisia: This is the Koran, the Book of the Muslims!
    Per capita (Gad) and how to become a Muslim?
    He said Tunisia: to pronounce the certificate and follow Sharia law
    He said (seriously): There is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

    Muslim Jadallah ..

    Aslam serious and chose his name is "Jadallah Quranic" has chosen out of respect for this book fascinating and decided to make fun of what is left of him in this life in the service of this Holy Book ..
    Learning (Gad Allah) Quran and understand it and started calling to God in Europe, even the safest on the creation of many hand and got six thousand Jewish and Christian ..
    One day and while he is turning in the old leaves open the Koran, which gave him his Uncle Abraham, if he finds inside it in the first map of the world and on the continent of Africa signed at the bottom uncle Ibrahim had written verse: "Invite to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good advice!"
    So pay heed (Jadallah) and ascertains that the will of his uncle Ibrahim and decided to implement ..
    Left Europe and went to God in the call Kenya, southern Sudan and Uganda and its neighboring countries, the safest and the hand of the Zulu tribes alone, more than six million people .. !

    His death ..

    (Gad Allah Quran), this right is recognized, an inspiring preacher, he spent 30 years in Islam, he has put all the call of God in the jungles of Africa and gave his hand to millions of people ..
    Died (Gad Allah Quran) in 2003 because of the diseases that hit him in Africa in order to call God ..
    Was then at the age of fifty-four years he spent in rehab call ..

    [Mark = 333333] story is not over yet .. ! [/ Mark]

    His mother, the Jewish fanatic and parameter undergraduate, educational, converted to Islam in the past year alone, converted to Islam in 2005 after two years after the death of her son calling ..
    Converted to Islam at the age of seventy years, and says she spent thirty years in which he was her son a Muslim fighting for the return of the Jewish religion, and that they experience, education and the power of persuasion could not persuade her son to return, while able to Uncle Ibrahim, the Muslim non-educated older to suspend the heart of her son, Islam ! If this is the right religion ..
    And now she is calling to God in the southern Sudan at the age of 74 years ..
    I ask God to protect her and to do good ..

    But, why is the safest?

    Gad says God Quran, the uncle Ibrahim and for seventeen-year-old did not say, "O infidel" or "Hey Jew," never even asked him, "safest" .. !
    Imagine during the seventeen-year-old has not talked to him about religion never or Islam or Judaism!
    A very old learner knew how to make the heart of the Child on the Koran!

    Asked Sheikh Safwat Hegazi when he met him in a dating in felt was safest to hand millions of people replied that he does not feel or thanks to the pride of saying that according to God's mercy is part of Uncle Jamil Ibrahim
    Dr. Safwat Hegazy, during a conference in London looking at the issue of Darfur and how to support the needy Muslims of Christianization, and the risk of war, he met the elders of a Zulu tribe, which lives in the Darfur region and during the talk he asked Dr. Hijazi:

    Do you know Dr. Jadallah Quran?

    . And then stop the chief of the tribe and asked Dr. Hijazi: Do you know him? ...

    . He replied Dr. Hijazi: Yes, I met him in Switzerland when he was under treatment there

    Understanding the tribal elder at the hands of Dr. Hijazi warmly accepted,

    Dr. Hijazi said to him: What to do? I did not do something to deserve this!

    . Sheikh replied: "I do not accept your hand but I shook the hand of Dr. Gad Allah Quran!
    . Dr. Hijazi asked: Do you converted to Islam at the hands of Dr. Gad Allah?
    . Sheikh replied: "No, but converted to Islam at the hands of a man who became Muslim at the hands of Dr. Gad Allah Quran God's mercy!!
    Dr who embraced Islam: French, a member of the House of Representatives, said the reason for his conversion to Islam:

    I read all the Koranic verses that are relevant to medical and health sciences and natural, that I studied, and teach her well, and I found these verses apply all our knowledge on the application of modern, Voslmt because I realized that Muhammad came right before the screams of a thousand years ..... If every owner of Art of the arts, or science of science, compare all the verses related to what you have learned well, as I compare .... Undoubtedly the safest, if a reasonable person devoid of purpose.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 9/23/2024, 01:35