شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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Chaplain Seeley .. A very strange story of Islam I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 09:56 من طرف زائر

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    Chaplain Seeley .. A very strange story of Islam

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    Chaplain Seeley .. A very strange story of Islam Empty Chaplain Seeley .. A very strange story of Islam

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 10/19/2012, 18:57

    Chaplain Seeley .. A very strange story of Islam
    Abdul Aziz Ahmad Sarhan
    This might be a story stranger to those who have not met the owner personally, and hear what the ears and see with his own eyes, they are fictional story weaving, and realistic events, epitomized in front of words owner is sitting front Qasa on what happened to him personally, and to learn more but also learn all the events interesting .. Let me أصحبكم We go together to the "Johannesburg" city of gold mines rich state of South Africa; where I was working as director of the Office of the Muslim World League there. That was in 1996, and we were in the winter, which solution we a cold in that country, and one day the sky was a cloudy, and warn بهبوب winter storm burst, and while I was waiting for someone had set him a date to meet him, and my wife was at home longer lunch; where will that person honored guest at home.
    Was a personal appointment with her relatives with former South African President President "Nelson Mandela", a character was interested in Christianity, and promotes and invites them .. It's personal, "pastor of Scilly." We have been meeting with Sealy by the office of the secretary "Abdul Khaliq Mitter";, where he told me that a priest wants to come to the NLD headquarters is important.

    In schedule Seeley attended accompanied by a person named Solomon was a good boxer, and became a member of the Association of Boxing After that upon Islam after a tour of Muslim boxer Muhammad Ali. And met everyone my office and I was pleased to meet them very happy. Seeley was a short man, very dark skin, a permanent smile. He sat in front of me and started talking to me gently. I said to him: My brother Sealy, Is it possible to listen to the story Aatnaqk Islam? Seeley smiled and said: Yes, certainly. And listened to him Dear Brothers, and focused what he told me, and then judge for yourselves.

    Said Seeley: I pastor a very active, serving the church hard and, not content myself with this, but you're a senior missionaries in South Africa, and my activism large chose me Vatican so I proselytizing support him, I took the money I receive from the Vatican for this purpose, and you use all the means to I get to my goal.

    I figured I consecutive visits and multiple institutes, schools, hospitals, villages and forests, and you pay the money to the people in the pictures or aid or charity donations and gifts; to reach the مبتغاي of, and people enter the religion of Christianity. The church was logging on, becoming rich, I have a house, a car, and a good salary, and a prominent place among the priests.

    One day I went to buy some gifts from the mall in the towns, and there was a surprise! In the market I met a man wearing a keffiyeh, and was a merchant sells gifts, and was wearing clothes priests long white-collar Defined by the others, and began negotiating with the man on the value of gifts. It was known that the man Muslim - We call upon the religion of Islam in South Africa: Religion Indians, do not say the religion of Islam - and after that I bought what I want gifts, but less than traps sign the credulous people, as well as owners of emptiness religious and spiritual, as we take advantage of situations poverty when many Muslims and South Africans; Nkhaddahm Christian religion and Nnzarethm.

    If a Muslim merchant ask me: You are a priest, is not it?

    I said to him: Yes.

    He asked me: Who is your God?

    I told him: Christ is God.

    He said to me: I Chill comes to me one verse in the Bible says on the lips of Christ personally, he said: I am God, or I'm God, Vaabdona.

    If the words of a Muslim man falling on my head a thunderbolt, and I could not answer him, and tried to good I look back, and dive in the books of Bibles and Christian books to find a satisfactory answer to the man did not find! There has never been a single verse speaks the words of Christ and says that he is God or that the Son of God.

    And dropped in my hand, and man Ahrzina, and I got grief and narrowed my chest. How missed me such questions? The man left and Himmat on my face, what I learned by myself but as I was walking long without a particular direction.

    And is designed to search for such verses whatever it cost me, but I failed and defeated. So I went to the Synod Council, and requested that I meet his organs, and agreed. At the meeting, I told them what I heard, if everyone يهاجمونني and say to me: Indian trick, he wants to Adilk obese Indians. I told them: So answer me, and responded to questioning, no one should!

    The Sunday which were khutbahs and my church lesson, and I stood in front of people to talk to, and I could not, and admire people for Oukovi them without speaking. Withdrew inside the church, and I asked a friend of mine to solve a local, and I told him that I exhausted .. In fact you are slumped, and dashing psychologically.

    I went to my house and I'm in a daze They are great, and then I went to a small place in my house and sat Weep, and then lifted to heaven optical, and took the call, but I call? I went to the thought that God is the creator .. And I said in the propaganda: "My Lord .. Creator. Has closed the doors in my face is on your door, do not Thrmena of knowledge of the truth, where right? And where the truth? Lord .. Lord .. Do not leave me in confusion, and inspired me right and show me the truth."

    Then Ghafoot and grown. During my sleep .. If my In my dreams I am in a large hall too, is not where one else, and issued the hall, a man, I did not notice features of the light that was radiating from him and around him, and I thought that this God who Katabth that يدلني on the right, but I realized that a man Munir.

    So the man refers to me and shouting: O Abraham! I looked around to see who is Abraham? I did not find anyone with me in the hall.

    The man said to me: You Ibrahim .. Your name Ibrahim .. Did ask God to know the truth?

    I said: Yes.

    Said: Look to your right .. I looked to my right, if a group of men going on her shoulders carrier belongings, and wear white clothes, and white turbans. The man continued saying: Follow these people, to know the truth!

    And I woke up, and I felt very happy تنتابني, but I'm not comfortable when I took wonder .. Where would find this group, which I saw in a dream? And determined to go all the way, career search for the truth, as I described it came to يدلني in a dream. And I realized that this whole measure of God I. I took leave from my job, and then began long research trip, forced me to wandering in several cities looking and ask for the men wearing white robes, and white turbans Atamamon also.

    Research and long and I'm out and about, and all of you أشاهدهم Muslims wearing pants, and put on their heads scarves. And reached a roaming my city, "Johannesburg", until I came to the front desk for Africa Muslims Committee in this building, and I asked the receptionist about this group, Clean I am a beggar, extending his hand with some money, and I said to him: This is not to ask. Alice your place of worship close to here? On showed it to a nearby mosque .. I went towards him .. If surprise was waiting for me, it was on the door of the mosque, a man wearing white clothes, and put on a turban. I rejoiced, he is of the same quality that I saw in my dream .. I went to the upside and I am happy with what I see, if men Abadrna saying, Before I speak one word: Hello Ibrahim! Vtjpt and was shocked what I heard! The man knows my name before I knew myself.

    Fattaba man, saying: I saw you in my dream you're looking for us, and want to know the truth. The truth is in the religion which was favored by God for His slaves .. Islam.

    I told him: Yes, I'm looking for the truth, and I have instructed me enlightening man who saw him in a dream, because the follow group wear such as wear .. Can you tell me, of which I saw in a dream?

    The man said: that our Prophet Muhammad prophet of Islam, the true religion, the Messenger of Allah! I could not believe what happened to me, but I started toward the man hug him, and tell him: Really was a messenger and prophet, came to me to show me the right religion?

    The man said: Yes. Then he took the man welcomes me, and congratulate me that God has guided me to know the truth.

    Then came the time for Zuhr prayer, Vojseny men in another mosque, and he went to pray with the rest of the people, and I saw Muslims - many of whom have worn like a man - I saw them and they bow and worship to God, I said to myself: God that true religion, I read in books that the prophets and apostles they put their foreheads on the ground prostrate to God.

    After prayers relieved myself, and was reassured when I saw and heard, and I said to myself: God has guided me God I on the right religion, and called me a Muslim man to announce an Islamic, and I uttered Shahaadatayn, and took crying crying great; joy with God on the guidance.

    Then stayed with them learn Islam, then went out with them on a trip advocacy lasted long, they were roaming the country far and wide, calling people to Islam, and rejoiced with me for them, and I learned of them praying, fasting and night prayers and supplication, honesty, truthfulness, and learned of them that Muslims nation God put them responsibility Report the religion of God, and I learned how to be a Muslim preacher to God, and learned wisdom in the call to God, and I learned them patience and forbearance, sacrifice and simplicity. Several months later I went back to my city, if my family and my friends looking for me, and when شاهدوني come back to them Islamic dress, denied it, and asked me that the Council of Churches complex with them to meet sooner.

    At that meeting taken Aanpununa; Turkish religion of my fathers and my clan.

    They told me: You have deceived the Indians to their religion and Odilok!

    I told them: did not deceive me or Adilna a .. The Prophet Muhammad came to me in a dream, to show me the truth, and the true religion .. It is Islam, and is not a religion of Indians as you call .. And I invite you to the right and Islam.

    And they were astonished! Then جاءوني door last, using methods of temptation with money and power and position.

    They said to me: The Vatican asked to evaluate them six months, in the assignment of value paid in advance, with the purchase of a new home and a new car for you, and the amount of money to improve your living, and your promotion to the top position in the church!

    I refused all of that, and I told them: beyond that God guided me want to Tdilona?! And God will not do it, even if cut into pieces. Then you advise them and invite them again to Islam, and he became Muslim two priests, thankfully.

    When they saw my determination, withdrawn all the Arrange and Mnesba, rejoiced this, but I wanted to Ibtdarham so, then you and attributed them what I have and custody of funds, and left them.

    Islam Ibrahim Seeley story, which cut to my office in the presence of "Abdul Khaliq Mitter" Secretary Office of the Association of South Africa, as well as the presence of two other people .. And became Rev. Seeley calling "Abraham Seeley" the slope of the Cosa tribes in South Africa. I called Rev. Ibrahim - sorry preacher Ibrahim Seeley - for lunch in my house, and you do the time by the religious, Vokrmth very honor, and then let Abraham Seeley; were left after that interview to Mecca on a business trip, where we were on the verge of setting the cycle of forensic science first Cape Town.

    Then I went back to South Africa to turn to the city of Cape Town. While you're at the office prepared for us at the Institute of Al-Arqam, if Baldaih Ibrahim Seeley enters the, فعرفته, and delivered it.

    And I asked him: What are you doing here, O Abraham?

    He told me: I push a regions of South Africa, I pray to God, and saved talk to than the fire, and brought them out of darkness into the light enter them in Islam.

    After that we cut Ibrahim how he became his main concern call to God we left leaving about broad prospects .. To the fields of advocacy and sacrifice for the sake of God .. And I have seen has changed the face, and Akhlolguet his clothes, surprised him he did not even asking for help! Did not extend his hand wants support!

    And I felt that the tear fell on my cheek to awaken in a strange sense .. This sense of feeling as if they were Ikhatabana saying: You people are playing the call .. Not watch these Mujahideen for the sake of Allah!!

    Yes, my brothers, I fail to Earth Tthaqlna, and Gratna life .. The likes of preacher Ibrahim Sealy, Spanish preacher Ahmed Saeed sacrificing, striving and struggling to Report this debt!! Via Lord رحماك!!

    Source: Islamic Observatory, citing Okaz newspaper.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 9/22/2024, 21:29