شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


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المتواجدون الآن ؟

ككل هناك 301 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 301 زائر :: 1 روبوت الفهرسة في محركات البحث

لا أحد

[ مُعاينة اللائحة بأكملها ]

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 600 بتاريخ 9/22/2024, 12:41


    British Sarah Yusuf Islam

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    British Sarah Yusuf Islam Empty British Sarah Yusuf Islam

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 10/20/2012, 23:24

    British Sarah Youssef


    Islam Story

    Tuesday, July 22, 2008 - 00:00


    Fixed mistake and a genuine intention daughter turned sixteen ordinary Catholic girl running behind supermodels such as girls of her generation to a mature woman, and one of the most influential Muslim figures in British society.

    Is the flame of the movement and activity; in the morning may meet Tony Blair and returns to her office in east London, and rest assured if workers headed in the magazine - magazine Emile emel - then back to the house and rest assured if her three sons. Her life was an example of success and the possibility of influencing the action if you find the resolve and determination to achieve the goal.

    Story Sarah Yusuf Islam

    Sarah convert to Islam in the Sixteenth grew up in a Catholic family that did not accept conversion to an open mind; because their idea of ​​Islam as a religion of violence and underdevelopment.

    The reason for conversion due to a lack of belief in the sanctity of the pope, and the principle that Christ was crucified to save his people from their sins.

    "Islam answered all my questions and the best thing in it is the belief in one God" Thus speaks Sarah, and complement: "converted to Islam because it addressed my mind and my heart, which is for me the simplest ways to reach God."

    Now Yusuf Fassarh in the thirty-sixth year-old mother of three children, and despite the endless concerns are an editorial headed the most important magazine dealing with the lives and issues of Muslims in Britain.

    "Muslim celebration of life" is the motto adopted by the magazine "Emile," headed by Sarah Joseph, and Islam Sarah opinion is not limited to prayer and politics, but includes all aspects of life.

    And also contributed to the Islamic civilization in human heritage; well as Muslims in Britain contribute to building a peaceful society building.

    "I was spat and insulted by drunken street for being a Muslim," said Sarah about her situation after the events of atheist th of September, and the events of 7/7 in London that killed dozens; since increased climate of hostility to Muslims in general, and became the accused in all their actions, and be photographed by the media as a threat hidden security threat to British society.

    Success Story

    Simply it was possible for Sarah to live Kalalav of Muslims in British society and succumb to the wave of hostility to Muslims, but chose confrontation and fight media fierce and wondering: "There is an attack by the West secular religion in general, does abandon ship to live on an isolated island quiet? Prophet upon him not to lose hope, and fought and defended, despite all attack on Islam, and we also we must not lose hope. "

    Island tuk, 8 June 2006.

    التراجع عن التعديلات

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 9/22/2024, 19:30