شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب عرب أون لاين

منتدى شباب عرب أون لاين يرحب بكم
نتمنى منكم أن أعجبكم هذا المنتدى أن تدعمونا بالتسجيل بالمنتدى لكى نستمر بالدفاع عن أظهار الحقيقة وأنصار المظلومين بكل مكان

شباب عرب أون لاين

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شباب عرب أون لاين

شباب عرب أون لاين لخدمتكم وللشعب والوطن ونكشف الفاسدين وننصر المظلومين


المواضيع الأخيرة

» علاج لإخراج الديدان من المعدة.
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime9/13/2019, 11:30 من طرف Sanae

» المهندسين خ
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime7/1/2015, 04:18 من طرف زائر

» المهندسين خ
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime7/1/2015, 04:13 من طرف زائر

» تليفونات برنامج صبايا الخير بقناة النهار
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime6/27/2015, 09:30 من طرف زائر

»  طلب مساعده عاجل
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime6/21/2015, 14:28 من طرف fatim fatima

» اغاثه
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 10:03 من طرف زائر

» موضوع مهم جدا وأرجو ألا تغفلوا عنه وأرجو ابتواصل
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 09:59 من طرف زائر

» موضوع مهم جدا وأرجو ألا تغفلوا عنه وأرجو ابتواصل
(Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam I_icon_minitime6/17/2015, 09:56 من طرف زائر

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[ مُعاينة اللائحة بأكملها ]

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 600 بتاريخ 9/22/2024, 12:41


    (Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam

    شباب عرب أون لاين
    رئيس التحرير
    رئيس التحرير

    الدولة : مصر
    عدد المساهمات : 23173
    تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011
    الموقع : عرب اون لاين

    (Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam Empty (Yvonne Ridley) British journalist and Taliban prisoners, who became an advocate of Islam

    مُساهمة من طرف شباب عرب أون لاين 10/20/2012, 23:53

    Yvonne Ridley (Yvonne Ridley) British journalist, captive Taliban, which has become an advocate of Islam, were not imagine never be adventure to Afghanistan will end by becoming a Muslim activists and defenders of rituals, what they were interested to travel to Afghanistan only forIt is the British journalist "Yvonne Ridley."

    Was Yvonne Ridley releases the active and adventure working for the newspaper "The Sunday Express" when infiltrated in the dead of night between the Pakistani border - Afghan on a donkey at times, or in a car rickety disrupted every five minutes at other times, wearing a sweep Afghan Women's famous, and the shoes of rigid plastic almost weeps provided.

    Succeeded in crossing the border fascinated with these simple people who suffer the hardship of life satisfaction and contentment, Mtelmush good in their faces, and in morals, courage, generosity, despite hardship.

    During their way to Kabul stopped in a village Afghan supplied from supplies and food, and there I met more on the Afghan people friendly hospitable; to stretched the earth and sleep alongside eight women from Afghans and marvel them how they live, and Ataqlmn with life in a country suffering from the scourge of war for more than a quarter of a century, and laugh of derision Afghan woman; because it is the mother of one child, while Afghan women give birth to 15 children.

    After it reached Kabul and ended its mission decided to return to Pakistan, and in the meantime there will be incidents atheist th of September to decide the United States launched an unjust war on the Afghan people poor, these developments pushed the Taliban government to tighten their security measures in anticipation of a possible war, also closed Pakistan border with Afghanistan.

    Decided Yvonne then escape from the side roads plagiarized personal Afghan woman mute named "Shamim" traveling with her husband to the village on the outskirts of "Jalalabad" to visit his ailing mother, and on the border that the wind that did covet ships; where falling journalistic adventure over the ass who install it, did not realize itself only screaming in English, and drops the camera carried by, to turn into a disaster and horror after he heard a Taliban soldiers.

    Says Yvonne Ridley: I will never forget the look in the face of the man of the Taliban and he sees the camera. Amid the horror I had hoped to move away, but that did not happen.

    Man angry and explodes Ashabna from the back of the donkey and smashes the camera, and within minutes gather a crowd of angry, it is a nightmare and everyone screaming and shouting: "American spy .. American spy", and is escorted to the prison to be investigated.

    The moments arrested moments awesome and heavy, and here began thoughts coming in it and imagine its future dark, and jumped to mind novels that were marketed and the media and the press about the horrors of the Taliban government bloodthirsty, which exceeds the largest systems and barbaric in human history, then realized that doomed either to episode of soldiers to Igtsaboha collectively and Anhishoa meat after exercise against all varieties of torture, or at best stoned tortured for days after.

    Yvonne Ridley and reveal facts

    or foe.

    No one of the men searched, but sent to a woman for inspection to see if was carrying a weapon, then took her to an unknown location, and the surprise was that the place air conditioning and an adjoining toilet clean, and was treated by the guard and interpreter and interrogator in very sophistication and compassion.

    And here I was surprised when went on eating, he said to her translator and guard: We are happy to you Atraqan yourself unnecessarily, that our faith calls us to charity to others. And called her doctor to pursue their health status, and prior to her release after being denied them charged with espionage investigations, brought her elders update and invite them to Islam, and he received Sheikh promised to study Islam.

    And comparing Yvonne Ridley between these humane treatment upscale treated by the Taliban, which it accuses Western powers Bazlamih and barbarism, and between cruel and immoral treated prisoners in the prison "Abu Ghraib" and Guantanamo of state claims of freedom and progress and civil rights.

    It tells Yvonne Ridley, saying: "I refused to Oklmanm and went on strike for food, and you whenever become ever more a rejection of their actions on increasing kinder to me, and they say: You are our sister and our guest, and we want you to be happy, and I do not believe their words, and I say to myself maybe if treated gently Saaamilonni harshly, The trip will begin electric torture, rape and so on, and you would imagine they will do with me what the Americans are doing in Muslim Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib, but I have not seen one man looked at me or harassed me. "

    Following her release and return to her country remembered Yvonne Ridley promise made to herself to Sheikh Afghan, and stayed to read the Koran, and studied Islam for thirty months, I felt, during which they live spiritual journey up to the tops Semitism of serenity and reconciliation with self, I felt during a state of transparency and purity unusual, and was one of the first books I read and influenced much of the book "Milestones" to Professor Sayed Qutb God's mercy, to be announced at the end for converting to Islam , and begins a new phase in her life.

    Violent reactions to Islam Yvonne Ridley

    Once announcement Yvonne Ridley for Muslim, launched the Western media blasted against describing it as infected with myself infects humans after his abduction, where it becomes a person related to or sympathetic with the kidnapped, but Yvonne Ridley confirmed that it did not relate psychologically one of the Taliban who arrested her.

    Islam or wearing hijab in the West puts himself in the first lines of Saddam.

    The Yvonne Ridley that these challenges already faced most of veiled Muslim women in the West, unfortunately in some Arab and Islamic countries.

    The family did not accept it easily, says Yvonne Ridley: my sisters; one lived more than twenty years a neighbor of a Muslim family, but this was not to hear the news strange it, and accepted it as normal, but my sister second she told me in derision: I think you will soon Stfjran yourself and're a suicide bomber. For my mother, since that time began to go to church a lot of impact on the Islamic, and my mother, of course, was a religious, which is very close to Islam, and when the call of Islam said to me: I am 79 years old, and can not be changed.

    Yvonne Ridley efforts in the defense of the veil

    Withstood Yvonne Ridley about this campaign, which targeted, not only was the mere declaration of conversion, but took delves into the understanding and study of Islam, and ridiculed her pen to defend the issues of Islam and Muslims everywhere especially the headscarf issue.

    فنجدها written in terms of numerous articles in many platforms triumphantly to the issues of the veil in the West and the Islamic world, and criticizing the attack on veiled in Islamic countries.

    Says Yvonne Ridley in a lecture with events within the Tenth Congress of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth: I picked up today newspapers Egyptian discovered that the Minister of Culture has the title of women who wear the veil that they Rdjaaat, wondering: How dare Muslim minister on such an assertion, and why silence Men Egypt and stood helpless silenced, after being stabbed this minister in honor and chastity every Muslim woman wearing a headscarf.

    Remarkable considering that the niqab and hijab have become a symbol of the rejection of the Western way of life including negative drug and alcohol abuse .. It is a moral message to the West that we do not want to live in their own way, and felt that those Arabs who want to be Westerners in their behavior more than the Westerners themselves provoke ridicule in front of others.

    It revealed Yvonne Ridley practices Tunisian regime against veiled, where it says: almost every day come to their ears stories alarming for police in Tunisia and their methods of disarming the veil from the heads of Tunisian women, some of these women have been subjected to sexual harassment and even thrown in prison by order of governing authorities, while they do not fault them but to comply with a religious duty, wearing a headscarf.

    So it is OK to Tnkhalaa completely from your clothes if you are a Western tourist who pay generously peer warmly enjoying the sun, sand and sex and alcohol ... But try to wear the veil and you will see what will happen to you in this so-called Muslim country.

    Yvonne Ridley and issues of the nation

    Not only efforts Yvonne Ridley in championing the causes of the veil, but we see stand and pause honorable with the Palestinians in Gaza, and write a number of articles calling from which to lift the unjust siege imposed on the people of Gaza, also criticized the Danish cartoons, built at the same time interdependence and cohesion among Muslims during crisis, octagonal and economic boycott of Danish products.

    Says Yvonne Ridley: Our strength in our union that we saw in the province of some Western products after the events of Denmark and the reaction that has occurred; boycott economic weapon strong and influential, and since we are talking about the province we must boycott countries that support the Zionist government, not only boycott but boycott the companies themselves that support this government.

    Also criticized the massacres by the Russian army against the Muslim Chechen people.

    Still pen and efforts dedicated to the service issues its debt, not take on God to anybody as long, not bow to pressure from unjust or oppressive, and even set up the argument on these men, who have the comfort and convenience of fear for the Aaah than the minimum, and those Muslims who were born of Muslim parents and lived in Muslim society, but they do not care about the issues of their nation, not move them residents whenever they dared enemies of their religion, and certified as the poet says :

    The feminization of the name Sun *** and defect recall the pride of the crescent ...

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 9/22/2024, 21:33